Blood on Ice - Chapter Seventeen

Midnight did not respond and in his silence, i could sense that he did not understand why i disliked the tight passage.

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The Easy Life

But really, when the food did come, she did not mind eating outside. all that mattered was that she was able to fill her gullet with the good food that bill prepared.

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Burdens - Chapter 87: Priorities

He did not want hunter to be in pain, but he knew others did it for a reason, and most likely that reason did not revolve around being in agony.

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Enigma Story prologue

Pantorin did a force push, jax slid back about five feet. he rushed jax and swung low then high. jax blocked both swings and did force lightning with his other hand. pantorin did the enigma block again and shot it back jax.

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Chapter 7-My Near Death Experience

Truth: i did have a crush on a girl in band.

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Enigma Wars Prologue

Pantorin did a force push, jax slid back about five feet. he rushed jax and swung low then high. jax blocked both swings and did force lightning with his other hand. pantorin did the enigma block again and shot it back jax.

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Equivalence: Chapter 1

I did not honestly need any of trinkets, but the necklace i did care for, in the slightest possible capacity anyway.

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Chapter 1- Tirrance

She tilted her head and so did i. "where did you come from?" i asked. "are you looking for something?" {_she fucking did it again!_} i thought to myself "did what again?" i turned to the red (pink?) panda. "stop that!

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Burdens - Chapter 137: Results

He did not think he could stand another night in the furnace. the walk did not take long, but in the small amount of time they did have, they discussed what they wanted to do if they did end up going on the ferret's trip.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Seventeen

How much did it cost to move soldiers? i did not know, and i did not want to think about it. all the logistics of everything midnight was talking about was too much and i did not care to waste my time thinking on it.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 7- Silver Reality

As the fall season went on deeper and deeper, so did the colder temperatures.there were hardly any other creatures in the park, so lukan did not have overpowering qualms about cuddling up to his boyfriend in public.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 24- Platt's Regret

But most of all, that look where klaus did not know what to do persisted on his face. "klaus?! what happened?! what did that wolf say to you?!" "there is no way," klaus breathed. "but why?"

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