Burdens - Chapter 87: Priorities

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#87 of Burdens

We shall see.

Chapter 87: Priorities

The week progressed much too quickly for the fox. At first he had thought that going through school was much too slow and he could not wait to see the wolf after it, but as time was passing by, suddenly he felt that there was not enough of it.

It felt that day after day the two of them were getting closer. They refrained from doing anything at school because of Roger's fear of others learning of their situation. He knew that he should not care, for anything that they said to him he would be able to handle, but he did not want to subject the wolf to such criticism. Even if society was accepting, high school would always point out the faults in someone.

In the afternoons they would continue alternating which location they would reside at, though sometimes they would go to the park. It kept things different and fresh for them, though even this was becoming a pattern. Roger did not mind, and Hunter never showed any indication that it bothered him. On the contrary, he seemed to enjoy the familiarity.

In the quiet portions of their visits, they would cuddle as they usually did. However, Roger was becoming a bit more adventurous, though not fully so. His paws would explore a little more, bit by bit, but never quite to an area of which he forbade himself. He rubbed the wolf's legs, his thighs, and even between his thighs, but that was where his paw would remain.

In the time he spent by himself, he began to look up different things. He had never really expected before to have such interests, or to be so attached to another male, but now that he knew it was the case, he looked up the common things that would occur. At first he looked up just general relationships and how that worked in society, but his searches eventually turned to different pornographic websites and forums.

It interested him a bit, at least from hearing all the moaning and grunting, seeing the different acts and positions. He figured that if he were to ever perform them, he had to learn somehow. He took mental notes of the things he would want to try, things that he would want to avoid, and things that he thought would work best.

He eventually searched about how to prepare for such acts. There were various methods that some used, and some, as he found out, did not do anything. He felt that was a bit repulsive, knowing fully just what he would eventually have to deal with, and decided to avoid those suggestions.

It would take time is what was generally accepted. He had to find a bottle of some sort. He figured a water bottle would do. He then thought, would he be the one on top, or the one on bottom? He had never really imagined it, though now that the question arose, he had to figure it out.

What if it hurt? He did not want Hunter to be in pain, but he knew others did it for a reason, and most likely that reason did not revolve around being in agony. He poked and prodded in the shower, testing things out, and found out that it was not really as uncomfortable as he imagined it would be, though it was a bit different.

He also reminded himself that the wolf was a pretty big guy. His paw did not really suffice, lest he used the entire paw. He found different items that seemed to work well enough, even with much effort and stretching, managed to loosen himself enough that it should have been fine for the most part.

It was an odd feeling to him. The past few days he had been experimenting with it, and the more he did it the more he got used to it, and then the better it seemed to feel. The driving force of his motivation was that he would be that much closer to the wolf and would be able to provide to him much more pleasure than if he were just a friend, though in the back of his mind he had to remember that that was not exactly guaranteed.

And what if it never came to that? He thought that perhaps oral interactions might be enough, and even if not that, perhaps he could lend a paw once in a while. Would that be acceptable?

He remembered the taste. He liked it in the past, and he knew he would probably like it in the future. Would he have that chance, though?

Their friendship had evolved in such a way that it was certainly a possibility, but the wolf was still naive and Roger did not want to take advantage of his ignorance. There would be poking and prodding, he assured himself, but only in that he would be testing the waters. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt the wolf.

The weekend was on quick approach, and then they would go on their outing. He dared refer to it as a date to himself and even to Greg when he mentioned it, but he felt it might have been a one-sided definition. He figured time would tell.

He had been saving up the allowance his parents gave him for the occasion, and he even began to plan just what they would do. It was true what the wolf had said, that it was no different than what they usually did, but it was under a different premise, and that was what mattered. Roger thought at least that much, though when he questioned it, the foundation was feeble.

His vision was filled consistently with that smiling face, he heard echoes of that soothing voice. He could feel and smell the wolf when he closed his eyes, and it made him ache from pains of yearning.

They still kept up with the studying, but it was difficult to focus for the fox. Their study sessions were much more commonly silent for longer periods where they merely enjoyed the company of one another.

Roger thought that eventually he would see what came out of their date, though he figured, it did not hurt to be prepared. He spent hours upon hours physically preparing himself, and mentally he had already been fully committed. If it came to nothing, it was fine for him, though he hoped that something might come.

He would wait and see. His priority lied not within a physical realm.