Chapter 8: Discomfort

"it's not as cool as i thought out there, and the couch is comfier." with that, he popped the pacifier into his mouth, suckling on it contentedly. "hey!" chuckled jamie, moving back to the door. "it is cool!

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Who's There to Be There : The First Encounter

"i'm somewhat a fan, but i mostly go cause my friends thinks it's cool to watch you beat up the other guy." "that's cool. we should hang out sometimes. yeah?" chris seemed pretty cool so i might as well make a new friend. "i'll think about it."

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045 - The Fool pt.05

-i dunno i'm trying to come off cool in this story but it was a huge deal to me, like she was my first human too.

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Tell Me the Taste

The way the sweet acidity melted into his tongue, the way the juice passed cool along his gums and lips and skin. even the sticky trail that lingered beneath his mouth.

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Interview with: Rod_Erich

"i don't know...i just wanted a really cool title; something that people would see and think 'hey, that's a pretty cool name, his stories must be awesome, too.' and so that's what i came up with."

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Stress Relief

Stress relief sun above cool soil moving beneath my paws my mate waiting in the shade nearby i pace the glen loosening stress tightened muscles i dash forward he is beside me running sun above cool soil moving beneath our paws

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Forest Stroll - Commissioned from dog455

Kate felt strange; she started to feel warm inside the cool forest. her nose stretched outward into a muzzle and fur spots started to form around her body.

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A Far Green Country

My muscles are cool and loose and eager to be used.

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Dear Diary (Part 4)

The class bell rang, and i asked if the two of us were still cool. she nodded, and carefully peeked out of the bathroom. ?we're cool, but tomorrow can we not meet here? i don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.? i laughed.

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Age of Innocence: The Beginning of a Friendship

"cool, we just have to wait for my parents to get ready." the two waited, impatiently for the parent cheetahs to get outside. when they finally did, the kids got in the back seats of the car and buckled their seatbelts.

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Pool Crasher

He would head to the lake, but with so many humans crowding it to keep cool it would be hard for him to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

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Ratchet and Clank: Time After Time (Chapter 4)

Play it cool turns to mush. never thought i'd see the day!" "cut it out, blade." he said then clank added. "i did not think ratchet was cool when it comes to female species.

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