Jeremy 009; Out Of The Shadows

It wasn't hard work, it was more an extension of his chores at home but it brought money in. jeremy was even allowed to keep most of what he made.


Jeremy 008; Finding Hugo

After finishing his chores he spent the rest of the day in his normal routine. that evening the news had a short segment of a failed attempt at predation.


Zootopia: Twas that dumb box!

" and travis were playing around after chores and then we went to the creek to swim....honest." alphius nodded. "fine...go get washed for dinner." he said as he turned back to his wife.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch2 - Survival

As part of teaching the students responsibility (as well to save money on cleaning costs), they were assigned chores to keep the academy in pristine state.

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Darzhja Chapter 1 (Originally from

Every morning, the older orphans would be given various chores to perform for the humanoids. chores like these helped the orphanage keep its finances, and gave them constructive things to do.

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I missed you; pup and cupcake started bickering over some chores and i had to put them both out in the barn with the burbleps for four hours before they would get along. barn's all clean though."

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Forked Memories

Simple things i was chored with, on his whim. never moving from his addiction, to nothing more than graphical error on his life. words of degradation, removing my outer reflection. my mind set, programmed to something he set.

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Don’t Need Your Guilt

When it isn't here also don't badger constantly badger us personally with questions or for perspective after all information is kind of what the internet was made for and we're only human so please respect that and don't make conversations a chore

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A New Chapter: Small Steps

Pausing in his chores, jayne crossed over to check the screen. _new message from: thegs - work_ _hey man, me and a few guys were going out for drinks, wanna come?_ the buck's brow furrowed gently for a moment.

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Hal and The Babysitter (Preview Edited to remove first person pov)

He loves his video games but i would prefer him to finish his chores for the day before playing them.

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The Rainbow Regiment (Preview)

After a day of doing chores around the house, it was like her legs were reminding her that she was a cheetah and where her priorities were: to run fast and to run well. shiloh's heart raced as she neared the top of the hill.

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Alone without a mate

Trapped in this tug-of-war, breathing is a chore, then suddenly, i feel a change, my lover has won the exchange, he stumbles back, as death runs and screams, but i don't care, it must be a dream, everything seems, unreal and fantastic, my breathing

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