Dragon Storm: Chapter 12: Quicksilver's Silver Shadow!

Arthur's Note: Hello again! I have more or less finished my research on the art I was looking for and what not. It's called ASCII Art! If everything works out I should be able to add them in. I figured since it's not against any rules (that I know...

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Kobold: knowledge and clarity (part 1)

'Dark, nothing but dark, can't move, help, mother, father, must escape' thought the kobold before falling back into unconsciousness. \*time passes, kobold unconscious\* \*Kobold opens his eyes, and starts blinking at the bright light, once adjusted...

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Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 8 - The Peace of Hope

The storms had passed and the peace had stirred from it's long rest as the team assembled back at the lair, successful in their goal to rescue all their lost companions. Fox and Falco had celebrate their freedom with a bit of fun while Renamon cooked a...

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Makai - chapter 1

Makai It dances like two Thompson gazelle, this waterfall; males competing for a female. Their horns clash and their hooves strike the ground, pushing off. Dust drifting from beneath them, each strike a maximum expression of their ability to take and...

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Freedom Fire Chapter 10: Smile upon the Sunshine

For the past 3 days, there was an uneasy silence when a captive dragon yelled at a parusan.

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Snacktime with Gale

He rumbled deeply, words blowing hot air across his tormented captive. "i'm not done with you quite yet... we've still got so much more fun to have..." he chuckled ominously.

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Once Upon a Time

Now, this was not one of those captive princesses who had been locked in a tower by an evil stepmother. this particular captive princess was a todd who was kept as a baby vixen princess against his will.

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Eventually, he couldn't find any discernable difference between how he looked in the mirror and his captive.

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Ali noticed the captive. "petrie...?" she took a step forward. the sharptooth eyed the bellydragger and sharpbeak. he nodded his head once, and the two disappeared into the darkness.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 9: Offspring of Warriors

Before you, there was one captive dragon that tried this approach, but he succumbed to his injuries and made those he wanted to protect lost hope. are you sure you're up to this?"

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The price of freedom Chapter 2 Dumbcane

At the same time xojon lifted the captive the dagger struck the captive in the chest, blood started to leak, it pour down his chest. xojon dropped the captured thief, ran towards the other.
