Teacher (Hueroc/Ellora)

Eventually i realized: he wasn't only tutoring me in magic... he was trying to control me, and brainwash me into serving him, and planning to make me help him overthrow emma and the other elders.

The Dragon Lord - Chapter 3: Emotions

He hadn't been brainwashed, he knew the sensation all too well; he would know if he was. draeg leant back as, allowing the wolf to clamber over his thigh, the warm chains following suit.

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Why ask Why

Nor will we cut open your brain, or use lasers that penetrate into your mind, or brainwash you, or any of the other more colorful rumors that happen to spring up about this place. i do promise you'll be going home soon without being harmed in any way.

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Part 3: Memories

The children he brainwashed through extensive training before they reached their iheithian and slowly he forged them into lethal assassins to annihilate his opponents.

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Even in her days as a brainwashed assassin, convinced by her creators that she had no emotion of her own, ami had enjoyed seducing the targets they sent her to hunt down when she could.

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My Meeting with the Man who Helped Hitler's #2 Man Escape Death

But americans back then had a much greater sense of justice than they do now, and they were far less brainwashed. the charges against goering were mostly without substance, and the charges which had substance had flimsy evidence.

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The Magic Attic: Toonish TV Antics

"Hey, thanks for the help Rerim. I've been meaning to clean this place up for weeks but I haven't had time." Tiran explained as he poked a stick with a hook on it up into a hole and pulled down a flight of stairs, "Here we go." The otter winced as a...

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The Forest of Change

Hiking through forests, it's a lot of people's favorite past times. The simplicity of walking under the shady trees and hearing nothing but the sweet sound of nature, it was an activity that most anybody could get into. Kenneth was no exception, the...

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The Dragon's Scale

Clark bowed before his liege, "Yes your highness, I shall do as you command." The knight's chainmail shined brilliantly as light shined down from the paned window directly behind the king. The king smiled, "Thank you Sir Clark, I wish you luck with...

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Breaking Point: Chapter Two

No, we won't put you in the brainwashing course. i sense a strong sense of loyalty in this one." throughout this tirade, the yoshi had refused to get up from the bow.


Blood Rose-7

They isolated me from everything, trying to brainwash me into a killing, defiling machine like the others, but i couldn't do it. the other resisted but gave in eventually. those against the empire were trash and deserved what came to them.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 5

I was...brainwashed! i killed pokémon, just for doubting ninetales when... when they were probably right." "i know about ninetales' pack and i probably would have done the same thing if i were you, but don't ever betray this pack.

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