A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 48: Recognize

\>\>\>\>[[[NOTE: DAY 27](/?page=%5B%5BNOTE%3A_DAY_27)]]\<\<\<\< "You ready for this?" Shadow asked, helping me remove my shirt. I was tired after a night of worrying. Listening to Shadow and Brynn sleep had not soothed me into dreamland. My...

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The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Malcom

the doctor flicked an ear, not bothering to turn around from her place at the stove, "son-of-the-tide? well, that's certainly quite a name to live up to."

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Trials: Chapter V

The nurse came in moments later to convey what the doctor had told her just outside the door.; i was to be released tomorrow evening around 9 pm if all were well by then.

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The Sagely Bard: The Alin Raven story

It has been so long since I've spoken of my past... I am Alin Raven, son of Tarin Raven, the great high mage of Arca and Alhilia Raven. Growing up for me was normal, I'd go out to play in the woods, I'd come home dirty and I'd get a lecture about how I...

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The Wolf and the Lion

It was late and the darkness rolled in unexpectantly on the Lion-morph working on his documents. He hadn't realized it but the sun had already gone down as he slowly decided to take a stroll through his garden before he went to bed. He smiled gently...

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A Tale of Two Brothers

During the Legend of Myer Brande and Miles Fiherick, there has been one main question that many have asked, "Who were the two Kits that were living on the orchard with the two and what was their fate?" This story will answer that question. The kits...

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Ikage, nicknamed Nightshade... that's not my real name. Ikage in Han-Ma isn't a true name... it means "Vagabond." Seems fitting with the way the White Lotus Society found me and took me in as one of their own. Yet it wasn't always easy. I was...


A Night in the Tail Underground

It was a peaceful night inside of the tavern known to all as the Tail Underground within the Land of Arca. A country that bans Tail Raising to a severe degree... The night was quiet and all inside the tavern were celebrating, for the Tail Underground,...

Trial By Fire

the doctors only gave me a grand total of three years. my father was desperate to make sure i would survive and continuously tried to find a cure for what ailed me.

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The Darkness covered the rooftops as the night progressed on. Yet, all was not silent as the young ninjitsu master wolf bounced off of each rooftop, making her way towards the Tail Underground again. Many things ran through his head as he tried...

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Cult of Shadow

Dawn breaks over the country of Arca as Jubei gently rolled over in the bed he stayed in, his eyes slowly open to greet the day. He sighed gently as he sat up in the bed, in the nude. He looked to the window and shook his head, rubbing the sleepiness...

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Dynasty: Origins, Act 11: Inner Fire

I coughed up a storm when I finally came to, gasping for breath as if I was devoid of oxygen for a good while. I slowly sat up and tried to look around as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. I seemed to be in a building of some sort. It looked a bit...

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