Venom, Episode 1
For a former super-villain, governer kincaide has sure made a lot of hero friendly laws. we lead the nation in powered, mutant, and non-human residents.
Nursery Breakout
What happens when recently regressed super villains get the antidote? they get revenge of course. inside the city of scaleville, sat a nursery. from the outside and inside, it appeared to be like any other you would find.
Chapter 9: Twist Mountain
Maybe figured they'd try to go all super villain and maybe carve out a base in my mountain. they don't know who they're messing with if they think i'll allow something like that!" he said with an annoyed huff.
Swirly Eyes and Sugarcubes [Comm]
The little lamb bounced up and down in his seat, masterful lego construction now forgotten as he tuned in to the collective defeat of the current super villain.
Hot Air Balloon
Victory for the black hole, getting the super villain to stand proudly at his accomplishment and completely ignoring the collateral damage jinx did to "his" city.
Z-Hero Compilation 1
Shop Talk
A self-proclaimed super villain. dr. pandamonium. and after shrinking down to about seven years old and struggling out of his clothes he looked up and saw us in the tree. then he went into a really long-winded speech. like, i fell asleep for part of it.
Rise of the Giestkin - Prologue
"The great dragon of the heavens. She has many names, many titles. In our region, we call her, Cymorin. She appeared, centuries ago, when our planet was in a time of peril. The strongest of us, and the wisest of us wished her to bring life back to the...
Zootopia: Brave New World - First Days and Stake Outs
"so, we will have a special force who deals with super villains? what will be the name? unity meta?" "maybe super pack." he said. "that sounds like a rejected name for a comic book superhero team." they both shared another laugh.
They Came From the Pages
But if they're real super villains... that doesn't make any sense! how'd they get in the real world?! that spell that sucked us into the comic book world doesn't work in reverse, does it?! and when did it happen?!"