Living Crime I: Prison?
When i opened my eyes, my thoughts were confirmed; i was wearing a dark red one piece prison jumpsuit fit with locked sheath gloves to prevent claws from being protracted.
The Stray Cat, Ch. 4
You are lucky you escaped in one piece." i winced as i tried to move my right arm. "more or less." mr. hattori took the two cups and stood up. "you may stay here as long as you need. i know you want to fight the pack more, but you must rest first.
The First Night
It was now crumpled and mostly empty but there was still one piece left that was untouched. her heart skipped a beat in excitement as she grabbed it and felt that it was still warm.
Among the Fallen
However, in death, i long for the enjoyment of even one piece of my past life. perhaps a candy bar, or a nice book...even the trashy pulp fictions usually sold at a place like this.
Toni's Diary Entry #1 - Delivering to Meth-Heads
I made it out in one piece, but it was still scary as hell seeing all that in person. i've never been around drugs in my life, i've always been wise enough to say no to anything that's even slightly suspicious. that's my story.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 85
I'll try to get it all out in one piece, but if it pops, that'll be fine, too. i will scoop it out and i will eat it right in front of you. i will lick it from my dripping fingers and you will watch every second of it." "is that all you want!?
Take your daughter to work day
piece posters of zoro , raindra had a meltdown then started throwing water at her until it became a water fight "let go of my hair!"
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Four
I was lucky they were still in one piece. a few torn stitches, nothing i couldn't sew up myself. god knew hendricks wasn't going to buy me new clothes. seeing me prance around his lair naked would probably make his freaking day.
Agents of C.O.W.- Prologue
Ricky took over communication as patti tried to keep the ship in one piece, trying to ignore the various systems powering down and failing around her.
Suncrest - Chapter 13
His nose was broken, and he was tending to his chest, but the guy was still in one piece, all things considered. "uh. thanks for the help, i guess." giu extended a hand, the man frowning at that response, but taking the help anyhow.
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p1
Chase gunned the thrusters and told his partner to do whatever it took to reach the station in one piece. in a blaze of power and a roar of challenge from his engines, the phoenix bolted forward.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 35: The More You Look The Less You See (Places Both Known And Unknown Part IV)
Stern i am glad to see you are in one piece.\*** a mound of snow and ice next to us said. "overwatch?" dawn said. **\*present.\*** "i am glad to see that you are in one piece. how about the prototype?" i asked. **\*it is what you see.