Take your daughter to work day

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry


#7 of mini story

The bright and beautiful sunny day as tsume got a phone call from one of her friends to hang out as she changed her clothes and headed out of her room just as she was about to head out the door she was stopped by her dad

"morning tsume" said the dad

"hey dad" said tsume

"I see you got dressed early for your big day today?"he said as he walked into the kitchen making her follow him after

"what do you mean?"

"don't you remember ,today is take your daughter to work day" he said making tsume whole world crumble

"wait.... that's today?"she asked the big panic

"yes , don't tell me you forgot?"

"no no no no no of course not it's not that I forgot, i just have something to do today" she said with a nervous chuckle trying to avoid eye contact

"like what?" he said as he was about to take a sip of this coffee that he made tsume couldn't bring herself to tell him that she didn't want to go to his work day because the last time she tried that he threatened her with years of yard work

"well you see I just got this thing and I was wondering..."

"No" he said cutting her off then he already knew what she was about to say

"oh come on dad don't you think me and Raindra are a bit too old to be going to be going to work with you? I mean seriously, when we were at 11 we enjoyed it but now where what in are teenage years and pretty much all we want to do is be left alone , watching TV and look for boyfriends... Well actually that not my thing but you get the point."

"tsume sweetie remember that talk we had the other day ?"

"Uhhhh ,I don't think so" the dad chuckled as he walked over to tsume putting a hand on her shoulder

"listen to me, if you bail on me today I will make sure that you pay the price with your mother, I would make sure you go with her this time and not bail you out"he said with a wicked grin making her shiver

"B-b-but you can't do that!" She shouted as he looked at her seriously making her get the point that he meant what he meant

"your mean!" she cried as she ran out of the kitchen and to her Sister room, she kicked opened the door frightening her sister who was on her laptop

"Raindra you have to help me!"

"sure I'll help you let's try this again with you not kicking open my door"

"yeah so anyway father wants me to go to his job today" Raindra sigh knowing that her sister wasn't even listening

"what's the big deal, I went last year "

"yeah but you don't understand I was invited to hang out with my friends today"

"You have friends ?" raindra asked

"Rain !"

"Sorry , you're just going to have to reschedule that's all"

"you don't understand the point of the of this death matter, I can not be trapped in an office within 24 hours"

"it is not 24 hours , it's 2 hours or so"

"that makes it even worse ! I don't think I can stand there and watch him work"

"I don't understand , why do you not wish to go to his work anymore, last time I checked I thought you enjoyed it"

"I did, when I was like 12 but now I am a grown woman I need to be set free !"

".... let's try this again , why won't you go to his job?"

"because every time I step foot into that worn down workplace there's this woman who always comes up to me and pinches my cheeks and she keeps saying I'm cute and then she says something to me in Russia which I have no idea what she's saying, I don't even think dad does, other than that she freaks me out and the next time she tries to touch me someone will need plastic surgery and it isn't Freddy Krueger , you have to help me make up an excuse !"

"And what , get myself in trouble, no thanks I tried bailing you out when Mom try to drag you to work and you're lucky that she didn't catch on to your stupid little sick act"

"so I take it that you're not going to help me ?"

"No" raindra said as she turned her attention back to the laptop typing away on Skype without her knowing that tsume took a glimpse of who she was typing too and got a little grin on her face. As she backed away from her sister

"Raindra if you don't help me out of this little predicament with dad I will tell on you" she said as Raindra just looked at her and then back at her computer

"you don't believe me that's fine" tsume walked out into the hallway and shout it

"DAD , RAINDRA HAS A BOYFRIEND !" Hearing this made Raindra almost fall off the bed as he heard her father scream from the kitchen and stuff being knocked around, in an instant tsume moved aside as her dad walked into raindra room taking her laptop and walking out after saying a couple of things . Raindra walked out of her room and glared at her sister who was leaning against the wall with a grin on her face

"if you think that I'm going to let you win the war after you started it, you better prepare yourself for a big battle ahead little sis!" she said as she walked back into her room and close the door

"Bring it on big sis" Tsume said as she went back to her room. for next hour before it was time for the dad to go to work they have been pulling pranks on each other all day, like Raindra would put spiders oin her room then tsume would cut up her one piece posters of zoro , Raindra had a meltdown then started throwing water at her until it became a water fight

"LET GO OF MY HAIR!" yelled Raindra

"WAIT UNTIL I CUT IT OFF !" yelled tsume

"TSUME ! RAINDRA STOP FIGHTING OR SO HELP ME YOU BOTH ARE GOING DOWN !" their mom shouted as they stopped fighting it was now time for the dad to go to work

Ready tsume ?"

the dad asked as tsume went up to her room to change and came back down mad before they walked out the door tsume had an idea as she grab onto his sleeves

"daddy I think it wouldn't be right if I took today to just spent with you" Tsume said with a smile

"What are you up to tsume?"

"Nothing, just thought big sis would get lonely without me ....so i thought maybe you should take her to"

"What !" Raindra almost screamed in disbelief

"Wouldn't it be better to have both of your daughters with you to show off at work?"

"Hmm, you know that's not a bad idea tsume" Said tsume with a slight grin the dad thought for a minute then he turn to Raindra and told her to get dress Raindra was so surprised that her father fell into this trap that she shot her sister a death glare only to see her dancing in the back ground

The two girls were in the car sissy fighting each other in the backseat as the dad had the radio blasting not really seeing the two of them beating each other up, through the end of the day they all live happily ever after