The Big Sister Part Five: Condemnation

While the thought of playing mad scientist with him was very amusing, adriana also realized that she was now forced to keep the tiny person alive if she wanted to continue to study the effects on the spell on him.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Sixth Tale

It looked like a mad scientist's lair right out of a saturday morning cartoon. except someone had trashed the place completely.

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A Meeting with the Doctor

"you're in an underground lab talking to a self-proclaimed mad scientist talking about paradigm-shift technologies. science fiction is just yesterday's newspaper."

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Chapter Five

It almost made her feel like one of those mad scientists in her scary movies, or comic books.

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Promise CH.4 -DMFA Fanfiction-

The clean stink of a docter's office or a mad scientists lab energized him with a spark inspiration. he grinned as he took in the stench and leaned forward like a fool in a trance.

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 2: Solace

Do you think we're ready to face the mad scientist again?" phoenix asks, his feet nervously tapping on the steel floor of the cepheus. "what choice do we have?" "you're right.

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Tales From Switch City: Jimmy's Tale

"no self-respecting mad scientist would ever part with his lab coat under any condition. it's how people know we're scientists. and evil." "i'm pretty sure more than evil people wear lab coats." jimmy shrugged.

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Or maybe a mad scientist? how did you do it!" ashley cuddled up close to april's body... apparently enjoying how warm her fur was. "and you're so big... i bet i could ride on your back now!" "grooowl?"

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Come il mare, sei sommerso

scientist built an army to take over the universe was less bizarre, back when corneria's army existed as a functioning organ of the government, back when giant bees or ants or whatever infested the star system, back when wolf was a heartless war criminal,

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Collar 3 -- Self Discovery

It was easy to imagine them in some old science fiction film, with the mad scientist and his hunchbacked assistant exchanging this dialog in some laboratory with huge dynamos, van de graaff generators, and static electricity wheels for use in the climactic

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Devo Crush

Sol blinked, it was like something one would see in a lab of a mad scientist. sol managed to rip off the collar he was wearing and ran away. a few more humans appeared and tried to pin him down, but sol was to quick.

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Engineering, Part 2

Our would-be mad scientist cougar was sociopathic but not stupid enough to try genuinely dangerous misuses.

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