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"just so you know, i have nearly a hundred years more life experience than you, whiskers.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 1, Part 2, "Steel Or Cardboard"
He excelled at pretty much every challenge we've done this far, and actually has enough life experience to be threatening even for the most accomplished." ~#20 william, 34, least weasel, personal trainer_ "jordan, i mean j.j.... and... akiva..."
Rising Tides Part 1
As the oldest members of their island, their words and life experiences had always been given the respect they deserved. but now, they agreed, the spirits had called them to a higher purpose, and it was time to make peace with their old life.
True Divinity
His eyes were just the same shade of yellow as carlos', yet tempered by decades of life-experience. his posture was slouched as was his tail. unlike carlos however he was dressed in grassy green robes, decorated in patterns stormy didn't recognize.