Trailblazer Part 10
The mystic wolf puts his sword away as he zooms, the wrist cannon and shield pop from their locations, the two lock together and transform into the suits most potent weapon, an assault armor pod comes his way with it's weapons ready, magnum fires the buster
Hopes Requiem
So any ideas as to what these weapons are and why they suddenly appeared for us?" "its a faint memory but they are called soul arms. weapons forged from a portion of our very willpower and resolve.
One and the Same - Chapter 3: Suspicions and Threats
Ixontros tried to stab me with the odd weapon, but forgot about my tail and i knocked him away. i ensured they were all fairly incapacitated and then made a rush for the door, ignoring the man sitting at the table.
Double Lives
He grabbed his weapons snuck out the window. "liz, you know what to do." he told the computer through his voice changer. "fake it like you're still here, got it." it answered back.
Time of War Chpt 6
Tech gave a reluctant nod, centered the sights of the weapon on the target down range and flipped off the safety, "gun is hot!" he shouted before pulling on the trigger.
Zombie Crisis: Chapter Two: Lost Firearms!
Alaster had to resist dropping his weapons and helping his best friend since childhood in order to keep his guard up from any sudden surprise attacks from any other zombies.
One and the Same - Chapter 2: Sleeping While Awake
He raised the weapon high in the air, the hook of the blade pointed towards me, then swung down. to my shock, the blade shattered into dozens of pieces of metal without actually having hit anything, a weapon weak enough the air breaks it?
A Dolomite Verse
Another old poem from High School. I got the idea from looking at a picture from my favorite calendar series, "Windows to the World" or something like that, by a couple named Scanlan. It's a picture of the Dolomite mountains in Italy. I...
The Jade Warrior - Chapter 3
Jao pulled open the closet slowly revealing his jade warrior armour and weapon. he glanced down his sword resting in front on a stand. jao grabbed the sword and slowly looked along the blades edge.
Defense of Home
The soldier panted softly as he leaned against the sandbag barricade that was established long before the fighting became this bad. He was slumped over it, as if he had been killed in action. Luckily, that wasn't the case, but he had been close to...
We Stand By Him
They have weapons; we have weapons, too. i check to make sure all chambers are loaded, the names of lovers scratched into the barrel. five to one, one in five, and i visualize a five-pointed star above us, a circle to hold in and protect.
Bound by Destiny 27
The dragon took to the air and flew around as tenchi merely looked at it and actually sheathed her weapon as the dragon flew down, "ancient fairy dragon, attack now!"