GoM-Ep8-Introducing the Roomates
Freddie roderick regonald jr(19)- he stands at 6'3 and has a skinny body type with a buff body type he has light brown fur with dark red hair that is greased back. he wears a blue sweater vest with a tie with white pants and black dress shoes.
The Human Species Ch. 30 - Original Rival Blue
What, are humans steel-type?" "we're steel-types," rukario told him before nodding towards their enemies, "they're steel-types." "hey, i'm not a steel-type!"
The Zoo Poké
"of course it's a poison type..." he groaned, realizing too late that he should've asked what type of pokémon it was.
Journey to another world pt2 ch75
"sending out a fire type that's weak against a water type. and here i was thinking that you were some hot shot trainer, who had his eyes set on being an ace trainer."
She who sought Revenge
The electric type chirped, waving a flipper in greeting.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns
The difference was that zoroark and zorua have the natural ability to cast illusions, while psychic types need to learn how to manipulate the optic center in the brain. dark types are immune, so they can see through psychic illusions.)
The gutpunching home - Part 3
"i'm a fighting-type pokémon. my muscles are always ready." "yeah. but you're the only fighting-type pokémon of us three." draco replies. "we have to get energies and warm up before we can put our muscles to the test." "i know."
Monster I Have Become: Prologue
You can choose by type. there is the fire-type flareon, the water-type vaporeon, the grass-type leafeon, the electric-type jolteon, the ice-type glaceon, and the psychic-type espeon." "hey wait, isn't there a dark-type one." i asked him. "ah! um...yes.
Thoughts on Alternate Universes
type 3 is much more generalized, allowing for much more abstraction and not really being held to true-to-life standards.
Part 1 His name is Dash!
"may i suggest that at least one of the pokemon in the team can use grass type attacks," dash said as clint turned to leave. "fighting, electric and ground type moves should also be effective against him."
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt2
Steel-type - isn't that right, kyle?"
Girls' Day Out
Asked elena, "a dark type like her shouldn't 'a been able to deal damage like that on you." "probably just some typing bullshit," kamea said dismissively, "didn't feel cold, so probably a dragon or fairy type move..."