Poor Squirrel
So no trolls please. dear wolfe, i wish you great turmoil and chaos for making me feel at home in your belly. you may think your mission is complete but it's far from over. i may just have to debrief you for your quick temper.
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twenty Two
A troll had grabbed her, and was carrying her away from the fight as quickly as it could. sarah screamed and writhed in the strong mythic's grip, but couldn't break free.
A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (4)
That, or somebody's trolling you. * * * **how to play** comment below with suggested actions for our hitherto unknown corgi-weasel protagonist. i will then advance the story with said suggestions.
Sent Kobold Chapter 5: Legend's Fall
What i found almost had me killed, trolls are very territorial and thought i would make a fine meal. there were three trolls and i didn't have the right tools to combat them, no fire or acid.
DoC-Ep23-Daily life-
He often joins isacc for his video game streams just to sometimes troll him in said games.
Poem #3
As trolls mock and create drama, just to please themselves, overcoming their own inadequate lives, making up for some short coming, maybe to help them feel better in a world that they hate?
Then after the dragon weed i add a bit of beast basil and troll vine too... "beast basil! troll vine! what's next? orc wart! sinecone fruit!" "how did you know i used orc wart! it was only a drop or two.
Chapter 4: Keel
So, they had to use millions of internet trolls to break down good sites, strip them apart by hacking, and make sure that most people don't want to write something because of the fear of denial or humiliation.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twelve
Their leader was a troll with skin as tough as armor. "excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" glenda demanded, marching straight up to the one in charge. "prisoners escaped," the troll answered in a deep, gravelly voice.
Part two_Collie Point Coffee
Ahead which id be happy with and if i move in with you ill still be able to pay my rent and be fine" we both sighed. my roommate, maria, was my best friend from high school she needed a roommate so i offered myself up. such a mistake. she was a conniving troll
Dating Out. Chapter One.
"trolled. they fucking trolled me." corey turned around and screamed into his pillow as he gripped the phone so tight his nails scratched over the surface. there was a reason why he paid so much for the protective cover.
Issue 03: The Bestiary
trolls walk upright, but lean forward with their shoulders drooping. their gait is uneven and when they run their arms hang down and drag across the floor. despite all this apparent awkwardness, trolls are quite agile.