Vagabond - Chapter 1

My name is tanner icer, and my life couldn't get better. okay, it definitely could, but it's been going pretty great. certainly better than after my parents died.

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Vagabond - Chapter 5

"they'll still do it-" "tanner, it's okay. just calm down, everything will be fine..." something about this was just, comforting. i leaned back in bed, still crying, and he gestured for me to roll over.

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Astral High - Chapter 33

You'll be ready for it as long as you pay attention in this class- and ted, make sure you really piss of tanner when you play the song." ms. ardenstal walked over to her desk and started taking roll. "how did she know about that?" [ted] "...

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Taking Andy

Andy had short black hair with the same brown eyes i had; he was a bit tanner than me. i sat down across from him and began to pick through what was on the table, looking for some crispy bacon.


Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 2-Return Of A Warrior

"tanner volarn",i replied. "syralth",taro said,"look at what your son has gotten himself into." "holy shit",i said smiling,"taro salanth is right in front of me." "you talk as if were legends or some shit,"shadow said. "you are!"

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Chapter 13

"i'm a calm person, ciph, you know that-" "titus, let's say something bad happens to tanner, something caused by someone

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Between Winters, Part XII - Point of Ignition

Year in namairith, from winter to winter, and the first 11 parts covered the first six months (or so) in this part, a few months have passed since the conclusion of part 11, and we follow three of the main characters from the series: rhania the fox, ashford tanner

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Inferno High - Chapter 22

Like beating the crap out of tanner. she got that, and actually said he deserved it. later, she said that to celebrate the beginning of spring, she'd be hosting a field trip to a theme park. purely for educational purposes, of course.

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Mourning The Sun

Inside the small village, tarous went about their various tasks, some humming cheerful songs to themselves as they hung out herbs to dry or ground grains, a tanner worked a freshly skinned hide from an old kordox bull, the meat of which had been traded in

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Lycans of the World 2: Discovery

The medium sized ones he guess were the females that had a tanner color then the males and the little ones were probaly the children and had almost a lighter color then the parents.

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue IV

You can have a tailor re-fit gloves, boots, and basic clothing, and either a tanner or a smith can re-fit armour for you, but you will need materials for the job, as well as money.

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Jet-A (2019)

He was greeted by mark's husband tanner rodriguez on the tarmac.

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