normal. five
"you just summoned a wolf!" slurred one of samson's buddies. it was then that shino realized that this could be trouble. the guys were blitzed out of their minds.
Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes-- Chapter 1 (Revised)
"now i activate necromancer's effect, which lets me special summon one infernity monster from my graveyard. i special summon infernity archfiend and activate his effect."
Payback hurts! (Chapter 9 of my YuGiOh series)
He summoned red-eyes b. chick (atk/800 def/500) and grinned, knowing he had red eyes b. dragon. he special summoned it using his chick's special ability.
Round two part 2; This Fire Burns
Singe drew his card, "i summon volcanic rocket (atk/1900 def/1400) attack his dunker." his volcanice rocket was about to attack, until bob pulled a fast one.
A Burning Tale Begins
I pray... that you are... right... young summoner...
Finding My Husband in Another World Season 2: Capter 2: The Bard
That is why beast summoning humans are extremely rare and until today non-human elemental summoners no longer existed."
Darkstalkers Character Contest Submission: Dieter and Schult
Schultz is a creature of pride with a forked tongue, fighting for his summoner due to obligation from his summoner's contract(the rules of which dieter has mastered machine-gun fire recitation of whenever the fox spirit hesitates) than any kind of loyalty
The Tale of Krystal Flamefox
Instead of summoning a passive spirit, she summoned the closest thing to evil incarnate. the demon didn't take to kindly to being summoned and went on a rampage.
Round two part 1; Dragons VS Ancient Gears
"every ancient gear monster gains three hundred attack points, i summon ancient gear soldier (atk/1300 def/1300 castle effect atk/1600) and end my turn." smith drew his card, "i summon luster dragon (atk/1900 def/1600) attack his soldier."
Round 2 part 1: Dragon VS Machines
"every ancient gear monster gains three hundred attack points, i summon ancient gear soldier (atk/1300 def/1300 castle effect atk/1600) and end my turn." smith drew his card, "i summon luster dragon (atk/1900 def/1600) attack his soldier."
TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 2
Luxray summoned a gunblade it was customized to his liking.
Gaian Magic for Dummies
-there are three ways for a beast form to be summoned, by a beast bracelet trigger or by force by summoning it if the user is that experanded with magic.