Affurmation Chapter 7: Skirting The Issue

The dress fell about his body beautifully, exposing the bottoms of his slender, silky thighs, where they were again obscured by the black appliqué of his knee-high stockings.

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Sapphire Transition: Chapter 2

Layne giggled as she walked up to the counter, her eyes still exploring the shop around her, "i'm here to scope out the competition, to be honest, but really, i don't think i have anywhere near the amount of stock

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Unwelcome Reunions: Distracted by the Bait [Part 2/4]

Samara finally had to relent on the table's tape to get the stocking up further. it ripped off the table with gusto but she was as gentle as could be with getting it off ofenna's legs.

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the Fantastic adventures of Doctor Erwin and IRIS (part 1)

Kitchen and beside the bed surrounded by mirrors, a wardrobe fully stocked. i stop in front of the mirrors and take a look at myself, stitches from autumns frantic attempts to save me barely holding slabs for flayed flesh to my body, my entire left arm hold



One day, the professor said that the family the doktor was descended from had a large stock pile of silver passed on from generation to generation, to be used as emergency money. he hinted he may one day inherit this stock pile if the war ended soon.

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Jack's Girls: Rewrite in consideration.

Fast forward a few years, and jack and raf are revived after being given an experimental treatment to make them immune to the virus, and soon find that they're the most valuable 'resource' on earth: as breeding stock.

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240 A Placidity Of Kine

Consult the readme at save point: a placidity of kine live stock pools, nile river, khem sethkill is hanging out with the kine when they find him.

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Where The Wild Things Go

He went inside the shop and stocked up on all of the supplies he would need for his journey. he didn't know where he was going, exactly, so he just took everything that seemed as though it would be helpful.

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Teddy Bear

"you can either keep the current stock here and try to sell from the storefront, or put it on ebay! these things ain't worth much, but there's alot of good stuff still here! all new in box!"

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Mothers and Daughters

When christmas season came around event pulled out a massive container full of thematically appropriate stockings, sweaters, arms covers, and panties and didn't put them away till the last snow melted.

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Sweet Tooth

Peering inside, the charmeleon was awestruck at the rows upon rows of sweets, snacks, and savories piled around the small, yet well-stocked business!

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Furry Fable2: Chapter One: Bandits

Any stock should be) was resting on my left shoulder as i rotated and twisted the crossbow around to face one of the wheels of the carriage.

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