Affurmation Chapter 7: Skirting The Issue

Story by WyattHarperWilliams on SoFurry

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#7 of Affurmation Arc

Wyatt shot a squirt of smoke out the corner of his mouth as his eyes roamed over the notations and musical ideas Taylor has spent the day indiscreetly working on during classes. His garnet eyes glowed as though by some invisible sorcery he was willing the handwritten notes into a magical symphony that only he could hear. He toyed with one of the piercings in his ear as he did so.

"You did this all just today?" he asked.

Taylor was sitting quietly on the amplifier opposite him expectantly. "Y...yeah. During classes."

"It's not bad."

"You think so?"

"It still needs a lot of work."

Taylor's face fell but just then the door opened and Jasper and Gretchen walked into the band room laughing.

"...and he slept through the entire test! Can you believe it? After all that!" The wolf laughed. "Ah, man, the life of a first year."

"Good of you to show up," Wyatt called out to his friend, slightly irritated. "It's not like any of us had anything else to do except wait."

"I'm sorry Wyatt," Gretchen said, "Jasper had to do some hall monitor stuff so I just tagged along."

"Whatever," the mongoose grunted. "Is Drew with you?"

"Right here," Affurmation's drummer said, strolling in behind the others. "Had to go get my new sticks from my locker." He tapped a quick rhythm on his antlers.

"Well great, now that everybody's finally here, we can get started."

"What's on the schedule for today, Wy?" Jasper asked as he unzipped his gig bag and removed his bass guitar.

"Lin's going to show up shortly with the band's outfits, so in the meantime we'll warm up and Taylor will play the new material."

"Wait, Ermelin has the costumes already?" Jasper blinked. "Didn't we just get her the measurements and ideas like... this week?"

"Jas, Lin's on the student council, remember?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So as a senior on the student council she can use her time at her own discretion. That's the advantage of being on the advanced placement circuit-you can pretty much do whatever you want, when you want. So she just goes down to the art rooms and sews most of the day."

"Still... that's pretty fast."

"Lin's your girlfriend Wyatt?" Gretchen asked.

Wyatt nodded. "More or less."

"They've been together for about a year," Jasper added. "I don't know why he puts up with her though, she's a bitch and a half."

"This coming from the guy who's been dating his hand for the past year and a half."

"Ouch," Drew laughed.

"Say what you will about the single life, Wyatt, but I've had many more opportunities than you." He whispered to Taylor. "He's pussywhipped."

"Looks to me like you're the one pussywhipped. Literally." He stared at Gretchen and the feline blushed slightly and laughed.

"We're not an item, Wyatt."

"Yet," he countered.

"So what are these notations you've been working on, Taylor?" Jasper cut in, changing the subject as expeditiously as possible, eager to alleviate the awkwardness in the air.

"Oh, well, it's just some ideas for solos and a couple of rhythm breakdowns that I think would make the music more... um... crunchy. More raw. I've made copies so all of you can follow." He passed out the pages hurriedly.

Drew raised an eyebrow. "Boy, I want to know what you've been smoking because this looks like some seriously heavy shit."

"You did all this?"

"Yeah. Well I mean... it wasn't easy. I've been daydreaming through all my classes trying to get this done."

"As well you should, Taylor," Wyatt replied, switching on his P.A. system. "Schools stifle creativity and the passion of the spirit... the best in somebody. They don't promote it. You'll never learn anything about yourself in school, only things about other people who were brave enough to dream. Ironic, isn't it?"

"I guess so," the red panda replied softly, not wanting to challenge Wyatt, but wishing to assert his opinions as well. "But school is important too. It teaches you how to focus and be disciplined."

"Discipline comes from a sense of purpose and drive. You can't have drive if there's no purpose to what you're learning. I have no objection to learning itself, but that's not the real purpose of education. The purpose of education is to make money and to discourage people from thinking for themselves, from going outside the box and trying something new." His hard, red eyes fixated on Taylor and the boy drew back afraid. "Doing something new is what this band is all about," he finished unflinchingly.

"Okay, okay, Wyatt, you're actually starting to sound like one of our teachers. Can we just play music?"

The mongoose sighed deeply. Taylor thought for a brief, infinitesimally small moment, he saw weakness, fragility in the mongoose. There was a deep ache in his soul, a longing to be understood, to share the feeling of wanting to give everything for a shared purpose. But as quickly as his cold eyes had betrayed the emotion, it was gone. He stepped up to the mic. "Play," he said.

Taylor strummed the instrumental lead in section and Drew spun his sticks around with well-rehearsed showmanship. The band kicked into the groove, and Wyatt began to sing.

When I reach out and make a fist

I find that nothing's there

Where once I found emotion

Is only naught but air

I feel the weight of gravity

Pull me to my knees

Into a puddle of my tears

Reflecting what I'll never be

Revolting world, dare I glance

Through your abyss, stained by the travesties

Of shackled shadows, once people

Who ran out of time, out of friends

And who were nothing in the end

And who were nothing in the end

As he had written, Taylor began to play the first solo of the band's song. It was a soaring section that ascended from a low, emotional rattle to a cathartic falsetto, reaching a crescendo with a beautifully chosen pinched-squeal harmonic just as the rest of the instruments dropped back to a modest drone during which the audience could catch its breath. The band stopped playing. They all exchanged glances wordlessly, but it was clear that the same, exhilarating musical majesty had been reached and experienced by all.

"Dudes... that was sick!" Drew laughed, hitting his ride cymbal triumphantly.

"Sounded really good, Taylor," Jasper beamed.

Taylor looked at Wyatt. The mongoose's demeanor, which had been frosty to say the least since the panda's inception into the band, softened, and he smiled. It was the first time Taylor had seen the boy smile since the day they'd met.

"Well done," he said, his tone uplifting and adulatory. "Well done, Taylor." He walked over to the panda and wrapped his arms around him. Taylor stood motionless, blushing bright carnelian.

"How touching," said a voice suddenly from behind. The band members turned to find a tall, busty, ravishingly beautiful ermine standing in the doorway. She was wearing a ripped black tank top and matching black skirt adorned with a score of buckles and safety pins for decoration. Her long, silky hair was tied back into a ponytail that ended at her waist. Around her shoulder she carried a large, black designer messenger bag in which she kept the tools of her trade: needles, thread, sewing patterns, spools, magazines, handbooks, and other various instruments of the fashion design world. She sported a vast amount of piercings, like Wyatt and the others, and she carried herself like a runway model. Her eyes were chocolate gold and shone even in the dim light of the practice room.

"Hey Lin," Jasper grinned, his eyes wandering lecherously over her curves.

"Keep it in your pants," the girl shot back.

"Nice to see you too," the wolf smirked.

Wyatt put his hands on his hips. "You got the stuff?"

"I told you I'd have it, so of course I do. Who's the runt of this litter?" She stared at Taylor, and the boy stepped forward shyly.

"I'm Taylor. I'm the band's new guitarist."

"Yeah, I figured as much, but I had to see for myself. The measurements Wyatt gave me were pretty unusual... for a boy."

The panda cast his eyes afloor. "I... I know I'm quite small."

"I'm Gretchen," the Siamese cat asserted herself. "Friend of Taylor's."

The glance the ermine shot toward Gretchen was acidic. "I know who you are," Wyatt's girlfriend retorted tartly. "I'm on the illustrious Scarborough Student Council. I know everyone enrolled at this school."

"By name only," Wyatt reminded her. "You're much too aristocratic to go consorting with the underclassmen, aren't you?"

"Why would I want to get to know them? What's the use of fraternizing with a bunch of boorish whelp like them anyway? I only know the people worth knowing."

"Told you she's a bitch," Jasper whispered to Taylor.

"Stop running your mouth, be useful and show us what you've got," the mongoose sighed irritably.

Lin strode past the group without even glancing at them and set her bag upon the long wooden table by the windows. She began to fish around inside the sack and pulled out the garments sequentially.

"Wyatt, these are yours. I took the shorts up the thighs a bit more than we discussed because that's what's popular this year in the visual circles."


"Jasper, I managed to build an outfit around the pinstripe vest like you asked. So have a look at these." She handed the wolf a pile of clothes.

"Looks better than I'd hoped for. So maybe you are a little more than just a pair of nice Ds after all."

"Go chase your tail," Ermelin countered, getting a laugh from Drew.

"Here's your suit and jacket, Drew. Changed the pattern from last time but it's the same idea."

"Okay thanks Lin," the stag replied taking his outfit.

"And for the half-pint here, it worked out best like we talked about Wyatt. Surprisingly the gothic Lolita thing wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be to pull off."

Taylor's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

The panda watched in horror as the ermine removed a remarkably elegant and gothic design from her bag, complete with frilly lace, corset, gloves, stockings, and platform shoes. "These are for you. I don't have a head piece yet."

"I c-can't wear that!" Taylor protested.

"Why not? Do you have any idea how hard I worked on this? Wyatt, I thought you said this wouldn't be a problem."

The mongoose wrapped one arm around the panda's shoulders. "Look, you said you really idolize Talis, didn't you? Well this is the kind of thing he wears. I thought you'd really like dressing up like this."

"B...but... those are... those are girls' clothes," he whispered, flushing uncharted shades of crimson.

Wyatt took the boy aside. "You don't really have a problem with it, do you? I mean... it's not the first time you've dressed in girls' clothing, is it?"

Taylor stiffened. "W...what do you mean by that?"

"When I stayed over your house, I looked in your closet."

Starting to sway with dizziness, the panda leaned against one of the amplifiers. "Y...y-you... l...looked in m-my... closet?"

"Yeah. Pretty dick thing to do, I know, but I was trying to figure out the kind of things you like to wear and more accurately record your sizes. And I found some... stuff."

Taylor wanted to crawl into a hole and die. His entire body was shaking with embarrassment. "You... you had no right!" he yelped.

The mongoose grabbed a hold of the collar Taylor was wearing around his neck. "Don't be so sour," he said, his voice low and husky. "I think you'd look cute in those things."

He had never been so mortified in all his life. His cheeks and ears burned with humiliation, and his heart thundered in his chest. The sounds of the room seemed to fade away and all he could hear was his heart and his breath. Wyatt's words seemed muffled and faraway.

"Besides, it's popular lately to have a crossdresser in a visual band you know?"

"I'm not a crossdresser!" the other seethed.

"Do it for me then," Wyatt pleaded with his eyes. The panda couldn't bear to look at him. "Do it for the band. For all of us."

Taylor sighed heavily. "O...okay... b-but don't tell the guys or anyone else about my closet! Please!"

"It's a deal."

Wyatt returned to the others. "He'll do it."

"He better," the ermine scowled, tossing the outfit to Taylor. "Go try them on so I can see if I have to make any alterations."

"What? Here? Now?" the panda exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah, now," Lin said sharply. "I don't have all day and I'm certainly not here to entertain your insecurities. Go change into this so I can see what further work is required. If you need help with the skirts, I'm sure Gretchen can help you into it."

The feline squealed. "Taylor I'd be more than happy to help you put those on if you don't-"

"I can do it myself! God!" the panda cried, storming off into the hallway.

"He's a little drama queen, that one, isn't he?" Lin pouted.

Taylor stared at himself hard in the dusty, cracked bathroom mirror. The basement lavatories were neglected by the maintenance staff for the most part. Since they were seldom used-most of the clubs were in the West Wing of the school-the bathrooms were more or less a sanctuary of sorts, a place of quietude and pondering. And other things too, evident from the collection of stamped out joints along the countertop and floor. It was illuminated by several flickering fluorescent fixtures badly in need of replacement. There was a musky scent in the air, like a mixture of wet fur and spray paint. The panda hardly took notice of the smell; he was fixated upon the beautifully sewn, gothic attire before him.

And beautiful it truly was. In the solitude of the lavatory, he was free to express his wonder and appreciation of the outfit. He held the fabric to his face, closing his eyes, savoring its softness and elegance. It sent a shock through his body. It was so delicate and silken that he nearly fainted from the exquisiteness of it. He removed his clothing, then scooped the dress up into his arms, shivering slightly as the gorgeous fabric brushed softly against his fur.

Piece by piece, he dressed himself, slowly and purposely, savoring the luxury and sophistication of each raiment. It was as though with the adorning of each piece of the costume he was in fact removing a patch of the fabric of the lie he was forced to live. When he dressed himself in elegant skirts, lace, gloves and stockings, he felt his spirit come alive. He felt an excitement born of honesty and truth rush through every fiber of his being like static electricity. The ugliness that he saw within himself slowly vanished-he felt pretty, passionate, and most of all, happy. There was a renewed zeal in his soul; he felt good to be alive, and he felt amorous and whimsical, and he felt that now he could find acceptance and love in this new form.

Back in the band room, the others were changing into their costumes while Lin and Gretchen looked on rather conspicuously as the boys stripped their divine figures and bedecked themselves in the ermine's designs. The Siamese cat observed Jasper's toned, athletic physique and sculpted ass with an appreciative grin.

"How long have you been doing costume design?" she asked Lin, making conversation.

"Long enough," the ermine replied. "I knew pretty early it's what I was destined to do. And please don't call what I do 'costume design'. This is the art of fashion."

"I'm sorry, I meant no offense."

"None taken, I'm just letting you know. For future reference."

"Well you've very good. The cost-er, I mean, outfits, fit the guys perfectly."

"The fit of the fabric is hardly the difficult part. It's making the fabric and the pattern reflect the personality of the individual wearing it."

"But didn't you say earlier that you didn't really get to know people you didn't have to?"

"I've known Affurmation a long time so it's easy. It's because of Wyatt really. If it wasn't for him, I probably never would have spoken to any of these students in the first place."

"Really? But they're very nice guys."

"Nice doesn't get you anything in this world, pussycat. Ambition does. Determination does. That's why I allowed Wyatt to date me. Because I see goals and discipline in him. Something the rest of these clowns really don't have."

"I'm not sure about that, Ermelin, I think all of the guys work pretty hard."

"The stag is a pothead and the wolf is a playboy whose in the band only for the tail, forgive the pun. You think people like that have what it takes to get anywhere?"

"Then why do you stick with this? Make costumes for a band if you think they're so doomed to fail?"

"This band will be the stepping stone for Wyatt to make it big. And rest assured, he will. One day he will truly master his ability and outgrow all of this. He'll go for broke, and leave all those who half-ass it behind. Just like the former singer of this band wisely did."

The feline sat on the edge of the table and shrugged. "Former singer?"

"Van Bilröst. If you know anything about rock music, you'll have heard him singing on the indie radio circuit. His band Hot Step is really making a name for themselves. He used to be the vocalist for Affurmation. Then he hit it big and only took the serious musicians with him. All of this-it's only temporary for Wyatt. As soon as he graduates from school, he'll be done with this nonsense."

As the band members finished dressing and laughed and joked about how each other looked, Gretchen pondered quietly over what Lin had told her. She hoped that the girl was wrong. Did Wyatt really feel the same way? Did he plan to use the members of Affurmation to achieve his own ends? Or was Lin way off the mark, and the mongoose truly cared about going all the way to the top with his high school friends. Somehow... some way, she'd have to find out.

"Hey Gretch, whaddya think?" Jasper said, posing.

Snapped back to reality, the feline smiled broadly. "It looks really good on you."

The wolf's ears twitched happily and his golden eyes sparkled. "I'll bet you'd look really good on me too," he winked.

Wyatt stretched his legs and picked at a wedgie. "God, Lin, could you have made these shorts any shorter?"

The short-tailed weasel beamed. "That's the point. Can't have you hiding those delicious legs of yours."

Wyatt scowled. "At least adjust the inseam for Christ's sake."

"G...guys... u-um... d-d-do I look ok?" came a timid voice from the doorway to the music room. They all turned around. And jaws dropped.

Hands folded at his waist like a traditional maid, Taylor rocked charily from one foot to the other, getting used to the feel of the lace-up platform shoes. The dress fell about his body beautifully, exposing the bottoms of his slender, silky thighs, where they were again obscured by the black appliqué of his knee-high stockings. The corset clung to his body tightly, and the buckles accented the hand-ripped netted material about the top half of the bustier. His bony, feminine shoulders were exposed further adding to the remarkable androgyny the outfit propagated. The arm-length gloves matched the stockings flawlessly; truly, the costume was a work of art.

Wyatt himself reddened in the face slightly. "," he mumbled.

"Holy shit," Jasper said. "Tay, is that really you?"

Gretchen's tongue wagged silently. Drew dropped his drumsticks.

"How does it feel?" Lin asked.

"U-uh... um it's ok, I guess. I mean it's a bit tight in the chest... but I guess it's supposed to be since it's a corset."

The ermine nodded. "Right. So no major complaints?"

Taylor shook his head. Wyatt's girlfriend walked around him in a circle, admiring her handiwork. "Imagine him with a headpiece, makeup, and accessories. He'll look charming I think."

Wyatt coughed and lit a cigarette. "Um... yeah, uh, he'll look pretty good. Probably. I think. I mean, i-if you say he will, Lin."

Gretchen pounced on Taylor. "No fair!" she laughed. "You make a prettier girl than I do!"

"Stop that!" the red panda flailed helplessly. "Wyatt! Jasper! Get her off me!"

"Quit messing around guys," Wyatt said, prying his eyes from the new band trap. "We've gotta discuss which songs we want to perfect for our upcoming live."

"H-hey! Don't leave me like this!" Taylor cried as he was left at the mercy of Gretchen's tickling fingers.

Affurmation Chapter 6: Inch-By-Inch

Jasper exhaled slowly, his eyes closed, smoke leaving his lips in a milky trail of off-white. His cigarette hung loosely from his hand as he rocked languidly on one of the old swings of the old Scarborough playground. It was located behind the school...

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Affurmation Chapter 5: Tuning Up

Taylor gasped as Wyatt's strong arms forced him against the wall of his bedroom. The silvery light of the moon gleamed off their fur in the darkness. Heart thumping erratically in his chest, the red panda felt powerless in the commanding vice-grip of...

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Affurmation Chapter 4: Affurmation

The main hall was teeming with students, new and old, clustering around the bulletins, contemplating what clubs to join, what extracurricular to take part in. After all, these choices were no small matter. In making decisions to participate in sports...

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