"so much for springtime." "colder than yesterday?" "and then some." his plodding footsteps grew louder and louder. "i hope there's no more garbage to go outside because i'm not heading out there again." "no... my can's empty."
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 9
It had a soft aroma, like the forest floor after a quick shower in the springtime. it smelled a bit like you, hezzi." she buried her nose right up against the spot where the scissors had pierced his flesh and breathed deeply.
Spring Fever Chapter 4: Hot Bretons (RAW)
Once you park, the walk through the still dark parking lot in the cool springtime air is rather relaxing, the sort of weather that precedes the both warm and cool weather one can only find in spring.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 100
It had a soft aroma, like the forest floor after a quick shower in the springtime. it smelled a bit like you, hezzi." she buried her nose right up against the spot where the scissors had pierced his flesh and breathed deeply.
Dying Earth
He looked at the way the cayya blossoms glowed purple in their springtime bloom, at the way the falsang root's leaves jutted out of the ground, at the size of the field that led up to his mother's little tea garden at the corner of the field.
Devolvers - The Excuse
The back door clicked closed softly and we were gone into the dense springtime air. the mcdonald's wasn't too far away, only mile or less, but we were on foot so it would be a little bit.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred One and One Hundred Two
You should see all the banners the old grans put up around it, in springtime! in fact, they-oh!" the first golden rays of sunlight glinted off something shiny in the center of the plaza, like polished armor. "is that the tea kettle?
Walls: Reboot 1 - The Ring
At present the planet is past the worst of winter and springtime has arrived. optics reveal that the poles are likely to have permafrost, which in turn becomes arboreal, and eventually settles as a temperate zone around the equator...
On Defence
I wasn't sorry when damian piped up to explain his equal lack of springtime planning. as much as that topic came dead on arrival, the laughing, drinking and chatting flowed on and on, taking us through the next hour or so.