Paraskepite- Chapter Ten

"the dog was sedated because of how violent it was acting correct?" "yes and when the attendant went to check on her she still should have been sedated." tom said "i'll need to ask a few questions to that person after.

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Cub of Destiny: Premonitions (Chapter 7, COD II PREVIEW!)

For awhile, his bitterness and envy seemed to give way to a more sedate, unemotional lion. it was an improvement, but he never became social as i had hoped he would. simba spent as much time as he could with the older lion, pestering him without end.

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Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter IV

At one point, the doctors have no choice but to sedate the flailing, wailing pup. they stick a small needle into his arm, injecting medicine.

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Evokation / Epilogue

She quietly touched her chest as she looked down, and thought about how when she'd told cindy, cindy had cried so hard and so long that she had been put under again by a sedative... and now, even though she was helping people out in this colony, she refused

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Bad Karma Final Chapter

A nurse, a tennessee walker, applied a mild sedative to karma's iv. the vixen slowly began to relax back onto the hospital bed. victoria came in with some flowers and a large bag. "oh karma, i'm so happy for the two of you!"

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Species: Skr'rit Companion

In the recent past, such pairings were negotiated and oftentimes performed while one or both partners were sedated to the point that they could do little else but mate, but being in the presence of one of their own kind is distasteful in the extreme.

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Project X | Chapter VIII: Failsafe

I was told he would be on a sedative to ease the pain in his knee but would still retain full brain functions until they had to increase the dose, which would be in about an hour or so.

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The Truth Within - Ch. 1 : Fantasy

He tried to move them, but the combination of the sedatives and whatever was now clinging to his body left them immobile.

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Specifically the breaking of one of the windows to gilorndir's workshop and stealing some of the sedatives he had stored in a locked medicine trunk. when jason was apprehended it was discovered he had, er used up all of the sedatives himself."

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 15

The partial sedation came from past experiences in dealing with psychics who had suffered some form of mental trauma or another.

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After Leaving

She had found some sedatives and was going to take the bottle in one go, but as she stood there pills in hand looking in the mirror. she claimed she saw fire in her eyes. she knew at that moment she was worth more than nothing she was better than this.

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Slave Pacification (2)

Both lynxes were equipped with stun sticks, sedative and a set of restraints. the panthress squatted in fronted of the wolf, looked at him for a few second and turned to the guards. _"he's in shock"_

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