Luke vs Tsume. A battle of Speed vs. Dexterity

Tsume came in again with another reverse kick, essentially clawing him across the face with her talons. luke howled out as the claws dragged along his face, sending him skidding along the ground.

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Wasteland Survivor – Reasons - ch3

He had us running at various things, mostly piles of tires stacked up, he expected us to be able to jam the bayonet into a tyre and yank it back out, i was fine with the first bit, just had to get my body behind it, but on the reverse he kept chewing

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Raiyev Part 11

He cursed himself for his clumsiness and stupidity, and after one of the most awkward days he'd had at his place of work, he stayed behind to see what, if anything, he could do to reverse this process.

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Invention of the Week Special: Fan Mail Edition!

It'd be easy to reverse any changes compared to the others, and thanks to some test subjects in its alpha state i was able to learn all about dna and thus able to do more transformation stuff.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Eleven

Her second card in the table position was the four of pentacles reversed which had a man that appeared wealthy hoarding the four pentacles around him. reversed it meant being generous and caring and rachael knew that described her perfectly.

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Endless movie in mind, with flesh red shredded and bone white that grinds, save the voice of the boy, a nuance, a memory, this rabid static nuisance inside my head, reverses my form in rolling, speeding leaps, highballing us farther into

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Crossover Frontier-

The huge group goes through 6 dungeons to fight 6 reverse magic bosses, where it turns out the whole thing was an elaborate dream.. or so they thought it was.

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FCW History - Ep. 1 - The Invincible Mitsozuka

He's got the champ, not even really standing at this point, just sorta balanced under one arm, looks like he's going for a reverse suplex..."

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Thinking of you...

, my best friend won't be at the end of the line, tempers had flared, words said were better left unshared, punches thrown, hearts shattered and cannot be sewn, mistakes were made and lines drawn, thinking with less brain and more brawn, to reverse

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this song is I don't really know how to put a title on it

Come to the faith of the disgrace on the alter.the shatered dreams of the lonesome and the broken hearted.stop what has like a tape in reverse when it gets much to get ove rthose who rolled over into their graves.who buired the lambs


Before Commute (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the skunk's breathing returned with an exasperated sigh, as he coaxed the car into reverse gear.

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Another Anniversary

To turn the clock reversible, to feel that touch again... a love i won't allow to leave, i'm yours until the end.... i curl up and i try to sleep, upon my empty bed... i cry and grasp upon the key, and hear the words you said...

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