My letter

My original family mourned over my death as i was reborn in the human world, as something i recognised. a human house made of stone and cement.


Part 4: The broken world

In one of these sanctuaries, sanctuary 25, d.r.i.a.s. was reborn....designated as project xa25, an experimental adaptation of the reaper virus._

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I Am

In his arms, and anew, reborn. stolen. spirited away, clutched, concealed and stowed, somewhere dark, cramped, sealed, on the road. soon, a home, a place to roam, i'm his dragon; a pet, a friend, alive, i am... saved.

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Halloween in Devout America

Especially in 1997, when the country was officially reorganized into the devout states of america, a nation reborn under god. the revenant party and its leaders weren't stupid, however.

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Life as a teen aged witch. Chapter 1: school starts

She replys "the goddes dah~" sam "wrong, its the lady, the mother, and the crone." kaela "no its just the goddes." sam "sam, im a wiccan, its more than one god, the god dies at samhine and is reborn on yule, the mother gives birth, being mother earth

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The Rise of The hero of Galorian

I looked upon myself and realized... that scared little child is dead... that i have been reborn. i stared for a long time at the mirror, and then i decided.

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The Last Refuge, Chapter 1: A whole new dawn

In fact, the reason he was reborn is as far as i know rather unique, and i haven't seen it used in any other story before (yes. shameless self-advertisement here :p). i hoped that you enjoyed my first story.

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Soldier's journal (Artemisia - Prologue part 1)

Through their death, i am reborn." she prayed. that thing prayed to the goddess to bless what she did. i had no words for it and no thoughts beyond the cold fear that had consumed me.

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A New Life in a New Body: The Interrogation

Your genes basically make you reborn you will live for over a hundred more years," he said frustrated. "is this the reason why you kill us," i asked. "part of it, the other part is..." he never finished.

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Archethal Species Datasheet

Archethal, translated from their natural tongue, means 'reborn by fire'; and their planet is named nu'riché, or 'bloodied soil'.

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Spoken Word: You Will Never

But starting this day i am reborn a new person.

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Part 5: Revelations and new friends

But, i shall be reborn! i shall have this land to myself! all dragons will hear my words and tremble before me. wait for me, my love. i shall return one day soon.

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