Clan War: War of Light, chapter 4 Heart of the Fallen

"i dont care about your orders, even if they are from ra herself." the men draw their weapons. " have too see those orders."he say and look on the drawed sword with a terrifyed face.

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace

**kesherran (kay-share-ron) sherro (shay-ro) lo kempura himora-tan,** **keshe (kay-shay) kenshinomurahamoran (kenshi-no-mura-ham-o-ran) lo kempura himora-tan,** **kesha (kay-sha) laurran (la-u-rran) salana lo kempura himora-tan** **keshe hiranose (he-ra-no-say


Chapter 5: A Special Person

**zau pov** "da ra, es fel a suri" there i heard the most beautiful voice i ever heard in my life. "zec vuri escalaf" i am slowly walking towards the origin of the voice, i feel at peace the moment i started to hear that mystical voice.

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Little Star Chapter 4

Celestia looked shocked, and luna pressed on, "oh yes, i can confirm the presence of the knights of ra, the order of celestial light, several ponies bearing your banner, and even members of your day guard.

The legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Then there was the third god the winged dragon of ra she looked after the small things in life like new babies if they were going to die or live she was like the sun all gold and yellow and in the shape of a bird.

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College Transformation Part 1

It was his ra who lived in the room next door to him. "yeah, i'm fine. just had a terrible nightmare." "okay, just... keep it down, i'm trying to sleep." mike decided he should probably get into his actual bed.

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After the End chapter three: Monster

ra was eaten by apophis. one of the great beasts, like fenrir. an evolved. they trust us there only because it's been a more than a hundred years and it was one god. and then they barely tolerate us.

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"ra?" "shinx shinx." zeelo swished his tail playfully. "bui..." aurum looked around, trying to figure out where they were. as he did, the storm that had always hung over the place parted, letting in the sunshine.

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Unknown World: Settlement

ra-tatatatata... hehe, i like the sound of that; she at first was confused; her cheeks were still rosy and red. she was perhaps nervous and warm, i would not know.

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saving new mombosas citizens

"we are a group of ra- \*he looks off screen\* this channel is not secure, requesting permission to dock?" "dock?! we don't even know were you came from. this could be a covenant or an insurrectionist trap!" said a voice from behind.

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Temps de chien !

Votre paquet doit contenir cette notice, une fiole contenant un liquide marron, le â« htf5d â» et d'une enveloppe contenant la fiche d'apprã©ciation .â â» i vã©rifia le contenu de la fiole qui s'avã©ra ãªtre bleue comme indiquã© sur la notice.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eleventh Tale

"ra?" kit looked at the alien and tilted his head in confusion. "earth does use the munu system for measuring mass, right?" ra'ntau asked. "graka." kit shook his head. "oh... well...

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