Presto - Chapter 4

Oh, and man, i can't wait to show you my costume, i'm doing prosthetics and everything!" the fennec lit up and instantly his tail began to wag furiously. "that sounds cool! what are you doing?"

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MLP:FiM:Chapture 8: Let em Talk

I tore off my coat and armor and found flesh had suddenly grown on it while the prosthetic was still on. i dragged myself to the diamond dogs and the last thing i remember was you guys were taking me here.".

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A Sweet Couple

A formal suit, sure, but great bat wings, bat ears, a prosthetic nose, red contacts, fangs, and fake bloodstains. somebody was going to appreciate that before the night was done, or stop them by force.

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dragon's pride 12

You don't consider using prosthetics or artificial limbs?" "that i don't really want to, you see," said cynder. "i don't accept those kinds of impairment.

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Tony da Lion: ~Love again~

First i take my prosthetic off, then i strip down to my underwear. i'm still not fully used to my leg being so light, but it's easy enough to crawl under the covers of luke's bed with it. soon enough luke has the movie rolling and joins me.

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Chapter 3: The Crossed Line

He dialed juno's number from memory and put the phone to his ear, prosthetic foot tapping impatiently. the city seemed far less inviting now that he was looking at it in a sour mood.

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Halloween Fun

He was dressed in an army uniform that just barely covered over the bears prosthetic leg. "this is such bull crap alan." one of the polar bears griped loudly. " that is sergeant quartermane to you. and what about this exactly is bull crap?

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The Analogue Cat

The sprinklers are having no effect, but you reach out into the white heat with your prosthetic arm, flicking switches off and grabbing burning material away so the flames die for lack of fuel.

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The Legend of Spyro: Survival of Warfang (CH1)

The doctor wanted the hatchling to have a normal life to live, so he then made the young hatchling a robotic prosthetic leg to help the hatchling, going so far as to learn a potion to change the hatchlings scale color permanently.

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Facility- Chapter 3

I'll always have to have a kind of prosthetic tooth or something. is that perhaps another reason why all this stuff is mushy? that eventually i'm going to lose all my teeth and have to go with wearing dentures or something?

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Sky Defender: Sever (Chapter 2)

He reached down with his heavy prosthetic, grabbed esra firmly by the throat and held her in the air. "don't you ever, ever, presume that you can touch me!" sever roared.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 35

"and you're also the only one with a 23rdcentury cyber-prosthetics in that draconian world. in any sense, you're a visitor in that world, too."

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