Do Not Cut Corners in Bulking
His body didn't seem to agree with the large number of calories he consumed at once, so it turned more into fat than muscle, not that blaze even noticed. "getting big there." the machoke smirked as he watched the buff charizard fill out with soft fat.
Videolog 1-1
This pill isn't some magic potion that makes you gain muscle mass and shed fat just by taking it.
Zombiology - Raccoon
The pudgy bandit hoped it was a female. he had been a little lonely the past few years, and his home would be a perfect place to raise a litter or two in safety.
Those chocolatey, fat appendages that had stuffed him as fat and as absurdly hungry as he was; rovest was quite proud of himself as he trudged laboriously along through the sand of the beach.
Expired Magic
The dinosaur's neck had grown so thick with fat that it had completely engulfed his jawbone and he could barely even look down anymore!
[c] A Hefty Champion
He was definitely pudgy, no doubt about it, fat plumping up along his side in friendly, inviting rolls that jiggled slightly as he gulped down the food.
The Health Cruise: Chapter One
Serka shook her fat neck gently, "let's try and sit together collin."
Obamon Meal 4
New fat quickly built on his frame and before long he felt his thigh fat droop over the sides of his seat. he knew he was fat before but now he felt even downright obese.
Simba and company (Vore, Crossover)
Luckily for him there was a human village not too far away from pride rock, full of fat little cats and dogs begging for him to sink his teeth into their plump flesh.
Loved For Your Own Weight
Seven hundred pounds had been packed into the canine's fat frame, pushing him from his original overweight three hundred to just shy of a fully massive and amazing half ton.
Bigger Than He Bargained For: 02
Scarcely able to believe the display had worked, terry found himself reaching over his fat chest with effort to grasp at the huge muscle his arm sported under the fat which had so thoroughly hidden it.
The Rolling Tides
A fat deer, a fat lizard, a fat red wolf... wait, didn't he know that person? he sloshed his way over, waving at the red wolf. "hey! we were on the same flight." the red wolf turned to face venio.