Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.2)

Kira yelled, heaving a stuffed pidgey toy at him, zane chuckling a little at the fact the vulpix still had her fiery spark left - the two weeks of solitary confinement hadn't broken her after all.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 7

And he smirked as he suddenly stumbled over a bunch of small pidgey, trying to avoid hurting any of them as they fluttered all over under his feet from the sudden startle.

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Sabetha, the Walker of Fate - Chapter 4, Alone...

Look at all the pidgey's!" sapphire exclaimed pointing at a flock of bird like pokemon gathered around a fountain in the town square.

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Rebirth ch9

The pidgey are cooing a happy tune upon the gently swaying branches of the trees, while rattata scurry around the weeds. "yowl!!!"

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Rebirth ch3

Most of the experiments were on my newly devolved psychic abilities, such as lifting blocks, moving heavy objects around the floor, and even a battle against a few low level rattata and pidgey.

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Chapter 2

Serena took her time looking for nesting materials, she did also go a ways away from the town and caught a few pidgey to use their feathers for the other bed, knowing it would take time for tenshi and kyn to be finished with their...interview.

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Mewtwo's Isle

pidgey calls came to his ear, and he turned to them. to his right, sitting in a branch above him, two pidgey's were chirping away. he blinked at them, feeling that somehow, something was missing. he rubbed absent mindedly as his chest grew warm.

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Bolt Out of the Blue 3

"let me signal the pidgeys." with that remark, he shot a single tiny bolt of electricity straight up into the air.

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Pokemon: Big Bang Break Episode 1 - Intro the Pokemoprh World

A young pidgey responed "we'll be already officer, do you know why would someone went and burn down the orphanage?"

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A Quick Bout and Devious Plans

Small groups of pidgey were in the trees of the forest flapping their wings to shake away the dew that had formed in the night. all was peaceful and yet with our heroes, there was slight chaos.

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Chapter 2: First Timer Towards Pokedex.

On their journey, they saw a flock of pidgey and taillow flying around or across the road, some were resting on the tree branches. there is a couple or three rattatas suddenly ran out from the grass playing chase and ends up wrestling together for fun.

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A Fiery Surprise

As we walked onward, the silence gave way to the calls of other pokémon: pidgey screeching from the branches, or the scampering of rattata hiding in the bushes. with the more manageable terrain, the forest started coming to life.

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