The Siblings of Chaos Ch. 1

Her wings and horn looked the same as any other pegasus' or unicorn's. her brother's, however, did not.

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Defeat at the hands of shiny Beasts (Chapter 3 of my YuGiOh series)

He soon realized that his life points were down to 6200 after saphire pegasus attacked him directly, ending the panther's turn.

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Clown Mare 9-1

They were forced to move near a strange pegasus house. once then they walked inside, opening the door with the left hoof, "hello? any pegasus here?" they looked around, seeing the toy of a small cyan ball that is next to the yellow small ball.

Quiet Voices

pegasi aren't exactly mainstream, you see, so there are a lot of jobs i get passed over for because of my wings.

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My Little Delirium - Chapter 2

The mare at the door held out a hoof to stop a worried-looking pegasus. "some kind of stampede! we were told to evacuate." "stampede? inside the building?"

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Another Day

pegasus appeared and steel flew to safety as the demon writhed in pain. as one would expect, the demon shouted horrible profanities, some not of any mortal language, before howling into the sky.

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How Menander Got His Name

The kitchen boy who found me asleep first ran back into the kitchen crying out that pegasus himself had arrived. a crowd formed quickly, and i overheard the arguments. 'pegasus is silvery white, this one has black spots and cannot be he.'

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Chapter 2 - Death

Chapter 2 Date 31st Augsta â€" Evening Location: Everonth Mountains Excavation Site The sun was setting in a beautiful fashion on most clear evening along the mountains of Everonth. The sun had almost set, leaving a beautiful haze of red and...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 22

My name is renegade whitewolf, shaman of pegasus falls." "and i'm his mate, nova. i'm a unicorn." nova said. "i heard about you and your ability to shapeshift."

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Clown Mare 5

They were always mean to pegasus and saying that it's our fault for ruining a perfect day. i don't think i can take that anymore. well, maybe they have changed after putting some earth ponies to slave as well not just pegasus.

Fish in the Clouds

As it was a fairly still day the balloon only drifted a short way away before being towed back by the pegasi. after twenty minutes it was safely back on the ground and tied up.

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Twilight Performs a Spell That Goes Just Fine

Rainbow dash walked in, fluttershy's tail in her mouth, dragging the scared pegasus in with her. "alright... we're here. finally," she stated, angrily. "just in time, rainbow dash," there came a voice.

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