Clown Mare 5
#17 of Clown Mare
Chapter 5
"Gasp." He then itches both of his eyes with his right hoof. Both of his eyes had been blurry for a moment when he lifted his small glass specs and put them on.
"Flurris." He shouted in his dark bedroom in the morning.
He then had a moment of his childhood.
They both flap their wings getting ready for school. "Sheyde." She shouted.
Sheyde Evilian looked towards Flurris Nox mane and right beside her was their friend Rane Shackleton.
"Can you fly yet, Rane?" Saline asked with his mouth opened wide with his teeth together.
Rane on the other hoof shook her head left to right several times. She then closed her eyes with doubt.
Flurris used her right hoof and taped her several times, "Don't worry filly I'm sure you'll get there. After all, you promise me that we will become the best flight team in Equestria." She gave her an open mouth with her teeth together.
Rane jumped several times on that spec of white cloud as if it wasn't soft already near the entrance of the door to the right.
Saline looked on his right, "Rane, try not to jump a lot, you might fall under the clouds."
She then turned her head to the right and had that mouth opened wide with her teeth together.
Saline used his left hoof and took off the right top corner sheets, grasped it tightly, and shifted them to the left side of him. While he got up as if he sat on the right side of the bed. He put both of his hoofs on his face while his eyes were shut.
"That was a long time ago. I hope she is alright on the ground. The old news was brought out about that filly who lost her wings during a heavy storm. How can some pegasus still live after that? It must be some kind of luck. Rane I can't wait to see you. All your friends will be coming to the Grand Galloping Gala."
He then put his hooves down slowly and opened both of his eyes, stood up from his bed, walked over to his window, used both hooves, and opened the window curtains. The light shines in his face as the sun rises on a new day. While he opened the window the breeze flew in his face as he smelled the fresh air. Saline headed over to the left, placed his left hoof, and picked up this picture. It had every memory of his eight friends that were on that day with Rane Shackleton.
Saline took a deep breath, sighed, and then placed the picture back where it was. He then picked up the necklace, walked out of his room and headed down stairs, paused at the end of the bottom of the stairs putting his left hoof on the necklace and taking that deep breath.
Sheyde Evilian used both of his hooves on the bowl and took that sip of milk.
"It has been a long time since we were together isn't it. However, a lot has changed throughout the days after the disappearance of Rane. At least she is doing alright though. However, I never liked ground ponies. They were always mean to pegasus and saying that it's our fault for ruining a perfect day. I don't think I can take that anymore. Well, maybe they have changed after putting some earth ponies to slave as well not just pegasus. I... just don't feel like this peace will ever last with slavery. It's just not right."
He then closed both of his eyes tightly.
"Our friendship seems so far away like the midnight sky. Rane is very far away from Cloudsdale. I just hope nothing happened to her. Not only that, it's been weird since I haven't seen her parents around either."
He then stood up and placed the bowl in the sink. He then raised his head and headed out of the house.