He has grown with you; witnessed more of your life than any parents can, more than any friend could. your shadow looks at you as impartial as can be, no judgment to be seen there. you can forget everything in your life, one way or another.
Leap of Faith
Five years ago, his younger brother callie told his parents he was gay. that he had found a boyfriend he really liked. that he hoped his parents would grant them their blessings. they didn't. his mum cried out in anger.
Chapter 1: Wetness and Illness
I guess i love toby in the same way one would love their parents, which is good because i don't have any parents, the reason toby took me in.
The Search For Tabitha's Parents (Part 2)
You go and rescue your parents from pristine's clutches!" eugene said as the two run towards the teleportation pod. "eugene...thank you for helping me find my parents..." tabitha said before giving eugene a hug.
The Search For Tabitha's Parents (Part 1)
"i'm searching for my parents. have you seen them?" tabitha answered. this got eugene shocked. "your parents?!" he said before a radio communicator comes on that's strapped to the back of his neck.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 25 playing with Ember
"dragons hanging upside down from a washing line, that my parents gotta see." sparx said highly amused. ember now tried to picture it in her head.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 13 last minute entry
**The legend of Spyro** **Legend of the black dragon** **Chapter 13 last minute entry** "Why can't I play with them anymore?" "A dragon as special as you can't be seen playing with those lizards" "What's going on here?" "I...
Root of the Issue
Before he met mary's parents, vincent never understood that some people were very much huggers.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 12 the participants
**The legend of Spyro** **Legend of the black dragon** **Chapter 12 the participants** Two days had passed since their meeting of Frost's father and they had been very uneventful. Cynder had been putting up posters together with Ember and...
I've seen too many comedies about meeting the parents and all. i guess i just don't want to screw it up." "you can't." malcolm grinned.
After the Storm - Part 2 [Parental Guidance]
Within the house lies its two residence, aiden and natalie alexander, jason's parents, a blaziken and a lucario respectively. the lucario stood beside the window conversing with the blaziken... the atmosphere around them dull and heavy.
Chapter 16: Return Home
Flora's parents and pete's parents and siblings had arrived yesterday afternoon, and they had eaten dinner with their respective families. while flora had suggested they arrange for their parents to meet, pete had thought better of this encounter.