Gemini – Chapter 12: Life Goes On

"i'm sorry everypony but i've had some... issues in the past couple of days that have caused me to neglect my store. once again i'm sorry, now i'm going to go around the back and set the shop up."

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Prologue - You would be too if you did what they did

A recom rebel/terrorist would detonate a rubbish-bin bomb because a mate of his had been killed by a neglectful master or in some corporate war. the powers-that-be would of course respond with brutal crackdowns.

Ryt's Rants #2

But no, the predator prey cycle is maintained by murdering each other through violence and neglect." ryt's continuing dialogue is now starting to take over any empty space that is not occupied.

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Tales from a Fang

Chapter one: dark nights i woke up got ready and looked over at my picture of my ex-boyfriend and tossed across the room he was nice before he ended up in the kennel,he was in there for neglecting his old apartment, then he came back all messed up and wanting

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In actuality, cj's son phillip had perished in the war, and grief had driven the old man to alcoholism and neglect of his farm.



In actuality, cj's son phillip had perished in the war, and grief had driven the old man to alcoholism and neglect of his farm.



In actuality, cj's son phillip had perished in the war, and grief had driven the old man to alcoholism and neglect of his farm.



In actuality, cj's son phillip had perished in the war, and grief had driven the old man to alcoholism and neglect of his farm.


Zombiology - Guinea Pig

The pig had never been so neglected since being brought home and her squeals of unhappiness demanded attention, yet went unanswered. her owner, a young girl, was not particularly far away.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Two

There are some things i have neglected to elaborate on but there'll be other chapters for those opportunities. snows on these mountains have never brought with it the very essence of death.

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Guro Challenge #26: Plants

If only slightly, he amended, as he realised the liquid wasn't quite water; it was unpleasantly viscous, oily, and stank of rotting flesh, scummy pondwater, and bile, overlaid with sickly-sweet nectar and with a noticeable undertone of a neglected latrine.

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Relationships part 6

School ended at 3:15 pm they were in the school for 2 hours plus max's house which he neglected to say. "umm..."rex stood there thinking of something to say. "we were working on my math."

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