Zombiology - Guinea Pig

Story by Rabidwolfie on SoFurry

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#8 of Zombiology

Part of the Zombiology series, this one about a hapless little guinea pig. Not for the faint of heart.

Dedicated to Kasperdragon and Flipper

(Fair warning - This short will likely disturb or even piss off the lovers of the small and fuzzy. That's kind of the point)

The guinea pig squeaked and bit at the bars of her cage. She was hungry. It had been at least a full day since her last meal, maybe even so many as two days. The cage could do with a good cleaning as well.

The pig had never been so neglected since being brought home and her squeals of unhappiness demanded attention, yet went unanswered. Her owner, a young girl, was not particularly far away. She sat slumped at her desk a few feet from the pig's cage, her head resting on folded arms as if just taking a short nap.

She had been good to the small rodent, always bringing her tasty treats, giving her gentle pets and time outside of the cage, making sure the pig always had fresh water and tasty food to eat. It had been a great couple of years, the animal wanting for nothing.

It only changed when the sickness came. Suddenly the girl began to smell different as the sickness raged through her body. The treats came less frequently and she was no longer brought out of her cage to play.

The furry mammal let out another squeak and ran in a tight circle, again demanding to be fed and not understanding why the request was being denied when it never had before.

When the girl finally began to stir, the pig did another spin and began to squeak with renewed ferocity. Finally, she thought, she would receive the food and attention she deserved.

The girl began to shiver as if from cold, her grey skin twitching and stretching. Greasy blond hair covered the little girl's face like a filthy curtain. As the small head lifted, the curtain slithered like a mass of serpents. With slow and jerky movements, the young owner sat up in the tiny chair. Her arms fell bonelessly to her sides. A low moan drifted out in answer to her pet's calls.

The guinea pig squealed excitedly as she saw the little girl finally wake. Anticipating the usual care, she reared up, tiny forepaws clinging to the painted metal as she watched the child slowly rise to her feet and turn to face the excited creature she had once so loved.

As pale eyes turned in dry sockets, coming to land on the pacing creature in her tiny pen, the pig's squeaks came in a continuous stream. They grew louder and more insistent with every halting step of the child.

Far beyond the rodent's reach, the top hatch of the cage had been left open, likely in hopes that she would find some way to escape, but much more likely out of mere carelessness. It took several clumsy attempts for the girl to get her hand into the hole, as if she had never worked her own arms before. But once the goal had been reached, her attention fell next to the furry creature within.

Little hands, that has once been gentle and caring, now snatched wildly, ignoring the warning bites of a frightened animal. Eyes that had always been full of love, were milky and blank. The small mouth that had before murmured sweet words now hung slack, uttering only wordless moans.

The cage offered nowhere to hide that the cold fingers couldn't reach. The plastic tube was upended and the igloo knocked aside. Every corner was a trap. The fluffy rodent scrambled about the suddenly cramped cage that had been her home, narrowly avoiding the clumsy attempts to catch her, but her luck was short lived.

Soon she felt cold, stiff fingers wrap around her small body, crushing her in a tight grip while pulling her roughly from the cage. The high-pitched squeal of a frightened animal echoed hollowly in the still room until it was silenced with a single loud crunch, and replaced with the sounds of chewing.