Lost Pokemon Episode: 16 - Fighting Fire with Magma

\>\>\>narrator: when eleckid evolved, he gained the lightening rod ability.

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Lost Pokemon Episode: 15 - Safario

\>\>\>narrator: andrew's dragonair has unique scales that can only be found in a small percentage of dratini and dragonair.

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Lost Pokemon Episode: 14- One Night in Celadon

\>\>\>narrator: with the bikes in hand, hakuzo and andrew make their way to cycling road. what awaits these two trainers? find out next episode. \<\<\<

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One and the Same - Journal Entry - Veneris, October 4th, Year 1355

~ Veneris, October 4th, Year 1355 of the Human Calendar I am finally back home, as it turns out running into buildings is not good for ones' wings so I was forced to hoof it half of the way here. It is always the little things that you never imagined...

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Fen stopped narrating again. he stared at lara as she turned to face him, staring deeply into her eyes as he spoke, "this wolf told me everything about my death...how i died...and how much it hurt you..."

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Cold Principles

I also decided to try a non-linear narrative style with this story. honestly, not really sure it was a good idea. this is my first time using this type of narrative and i kinda want it to be the last.

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[Commission] Chapter 4: Assembly rogues fire the camp with stories

. - that the narrative of a story, should be compatible with the storyteller's certain style. his voice if you will. the narrative should be bent around the storyteller's voice, not the other way around.

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Hot Pink

I realized that all they would have amounted to would be me in various women's apparel walking through the woods and some makeshift stages while a friend narrates from some awful stream of consciousness i would have written.

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Writing Advice: Show, Tell, Adverbs and Others

From a narrative point of view, it's both sparse and prevents a lot of other things being presented that engage a reader, such as actions, thoughts, feelings.

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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 2) Part 2

\*mila blushes with pride.\* \*scene cuts to spongebob-style time card.\* french narrator: two hours later...

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The Furry Parable

Well looks like its up to the narrator with a sexy voice? nope. warning story about mindfuck! one day, a normal wolf was waking up. he looked at his clock and noticed it was 5:30 pm. no no, that cannot be right. the wolf's name was danny.


Antithesis, Of Darkness and Light

The picture was part of a narrative, detailing an example of a magic seal of some sort, the illustration moving around as if the page were a window.

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