The Clockwork Falcon - part 1: the Guilty Gear Device
But, jim didn't have long to ponder as his mentor began requesting tools and parts. "we're going to connect it at the primary gearbox so i'll need my adjustable spanner and a good set of pliers.
Juryokine: Prologue
The last thing she saw before succumbing to the peaceful, painless sleep of unconsciousness was miron-- the mentor she had left behind. next time: that's zashiel, one of our main characters.
There's Always Room
Towering over him, his books and more importantly his lunch was moonlight, his idol and mentor and now notorious lunch thief.
The Cube
And as his attention focused on his mentor, the clatter dimmed, and the colors faded. "dr. greyson!?" he called out happily. the falcon walked over to him quickly, and emrbaced him.
Remember Me 10 - Beyond Dreams of Crimson Flame
Ryouma did so beside the old mentor as they watched the rest of the slicers continue fighting the other mimics.
The Clockwork Falcon - part 4: Maiden Voyage
Jim returned sheepishly as he wound his way past the ticking mechanisms jumbled around the shop to join his mentor at a cluttered worktable.
The gutpunching home - Part 4
His 'mentor' or so to speak. this mentor, despite being both older and in a higher evolutionary stage than draco, is actually slightly shorter than the snivy. he's a linoone - more specifically of the hoennian variety.
A Case for Mr Mao
As he did so, he studied the face of his friend and mentor.
The Clockwork Falcon - part 5: Return Flight
Jim's narrow shoulders thrust back confidently as the professor used the word "proud" again, unfamiliar and heartening coming from his gruff mentor, "thank you, sir."
The Heiress and the Veterinarian Chapter 1: Change in Direction
Tabby said scornfully, rising on her back legs and planting her forehooves resolutely on the bench in front of her mentor. "that's what this is about, socializing me?
Jeremy 045; To Save The Day
The wolf hero even had a mentor in the film that set him on the path to becoming a hero. worse yet was the seeming synchronicity of his own mentor having just brought up the same issue with him.
Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 2
But it didn't have quite the oomph he wanted, that's when he changed his perspective and taught his mentor something new as well.