Grandpa's story

It used two twin turbo jet engines on each wings. the wings that were on ether side of the long slender frame were jagged.

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Death's Hand

The two jets, eight white, shiny missiles hanging off of their sharp wings, rocketed off of the runway to intercept the intruder.

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Reveng Begins

* * * at the base of one particular megakat mountain range, a familiar jet set down in a forest clearing.

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A mewtwo Story Chapter 6

The jet started to take off. and red sent his charizard after it. one of the jets compartments opened and a gun popped out of it aimed at the charizard. "we have a lock sir!"

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Judgement Call

As the plane rocketed forward, passing under the jet liner left wing, he pulled up just passed the tail section, giving the missile a much bigger target to paint.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 7

Whistler fired up the xenon jets built into his mane and applied a steady burn, the various directional jets giving him fine control over direction, speed and pitch.

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Ch. 7 -- Mass Transit

Circulating jets activated, and massaged his body, head to toe, with a lightly perfumed degreasing agent.

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Early Works - Orion X

He noticed a jet fly past and start to turn. the jet was now heading towards the window. chris scrambled for shelter. he ran towards the support beam. it was 20 metres away. the jet was racing to the window. 10 metres. the jet had a lock.


The Scariest moment of my Life

If the jet had been carrying fuel pods, i would not be here. if the jet had been just a few feet toward me, i would not be here. if the piece of metal that struck me had been an inch to the right, i would be paralyzed.

Chapter 26: Arena Patrol - Part 2.

Greenguilmonx stated and turn on his jet pack. the jet has given him the boost he needs to increase his speed. zero heard it and coiled himself to jump and landed on greenguilmonx's body armor.

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Leviathan liberty

When the jet finally came to a stop, ellis got up and opened the door leading to the cargo bay.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

No, once i got within 20,000 kilometers of the installation, i was to leap from the asteroid and use a cold-gas jet pod to slow myself down.

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