Lost in The Void - Prologue

Estimated time is less than five minutes"_ "prep the pod and start the injections." _"it is ill advised to take the injections while running, you may feel discomfort"_ "screw the discomfort we don't have the time!"

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Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 5

I need to get more of that stuff he injected me with."

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Prologue to a new world

Certain species did show increased immunity to certain strains of virus, so the next stage was carried out: a retrovirus was engineered as a cure and injected into test subjects who had been exposed to the virus.

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Deserted pt 4

The doctor injects me with another unknown substance and everything fades to black again. copyright for the characters, the plot, and the story.

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Chapter 3

The injections were done rather quickly and relatively painlessly, while the nectar-water which proved to have quite the revolting taste.

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Chapter Three - One Step Toward Death, Two Step Toward New Life

"we've got a pulse here, inject him with 1cc adrenalin." i asked myself where i am. but my mouth didn't move or to be precise i can't move my body as if my body was dead. "injection is complete, doctor." injection, when did it happen?

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In The Doghouse: Final Chapter

Reid wadded up the little plastic bag after the final injection, and placed the lighter and the spoon back on the toilet paper dispenser.

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Bonds of Gold (Dragon TF Story) [Commission]

The injection itself was relatively painless, even if needles weren't exactly phoebe's cup of tea.

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The Phin part 1

Then the first woman injects him he passes out again. jayden awakes at the table with his family and says "wh-what happened? and his mother says, "you were at the door unconscious, so i brought you in."

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show down in our world part 2

Red started if you remember the crystal from their battle from the arena "yes it's the crystals you had during your battles in the tournament, lucky for you too i had some backup and if you're wondering what i injected you with it is to keep your aura

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Survival: Part 1: The Beginnings.

Chemical tests, a nice way to say injections of whatever crap they don't have the balls to test on themselves. oh, the things i do for money. i took a quick shower and walked to my first appointment.

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