Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 5

Story by G-man2014 on SoFurry

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#5 of Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 1

** Well Im proud to announce I have uploaded my fifth chapter for my first story ^^ Feel free to state your opinion, good or bad about my story.**

** I own all the rights to my own characters which includes Gabe, Nathan, Garett, and a bunch of other characters that will be appearing in later chapters. Now on with Chapter 5...**

Chapter 5

I looked at him curiously and asked "Who are you?" He answered "My names not important but I am a fugitive from a lab somewhere in Washington. They experimented on me telling me 'These tests will not harm you in any way' so I agreed to let them run some tests on me, but the next thing I knew I was turned into some freak!" He gestured to himself,

"I stole some of their research before I escaped though." He jumped down from the tree, walked over to me and said, "Let's see what we can do about that arm of yours."

He got closer to me and injected me with something, "Ow, what was that for?" I said as I put my paw over the spot where he stuck the needle.

"You should be thanking me for helping you with those nasty bite marks. Here take these." He replied to me bluntly, handing me two items that look a lot like the needles doctors use to give shots to patients.

"What are these?" I asked impatiently, "They can make you human again when they are used on creatures like us, but if they are used on a human they can turn them into creatures like us." He answered in an annoyed voice.

I nodded but he just turned and ran off, I didn't try to stop him because I had no reason to.

I just turned around and headed back to the entrance of the canyon. I looked at my arm and noticed the bite marks where gone, "So that's what it does. I need to get more of that stuff he injected me with."

I was heading back towards the house when I realized I could walk Garret home from school so I ran up the hillside that the school was built next to.

I waited for the final bell to ring, there was only two minutes left so I hid on the sode of the hill and waited.

The bell finally rang and a swarm of seventh and eighth graders started exiting the school, I looked through the crowd to see if I could find Garret but he was one of the last kids out.

I watched him as he was walking across the basketball court, he was being followed by these fairly large looking eighth graders.

I watched as one of them tripped Garret and took his bag, I let out a deep throated growl as they opened the bag and dumped all of his books out of his bag.

I got up and started running as one of them kicked him in the stomach, he was about to kick him again but I blocked it with my shin, and said "I don't appreciate you hurting my friend!"

He was shocked by my appearance but all the same he shot back "I'll do whatever the hell I want to, you furry freak."

I just stood there laughing and said, "You know, I'm actually really glad you said that cause now I get to kick your ass." My voice grew dark when I finished.

I jumped up and kicked him in the stomach sending him back a few feet skidding to a stop on the ground. He just stayed on the ground holding his stomach yelling, "Well don't just stand there, get him!!!"

Immediately the two other boys charged me, the first one went in to punch me in the face but I blocked it with my forearm, punched him in the stomach, spun around and gave him a hard kick straight in the chest, he flew back falling to the ground hard.

I grinned and said, "This is what counts as a fight now a days, come on your not even giving me a challenge." I looked at the other boy who was just standing there terrified. I let out a deep throated growl and he ran off terrified of me.

I walked over to the boy I knocked down first. He was just getting up and threw a punch at me, I easily caught it with my hand and growled showing my teeth at him,

"If I ever catch you harassing or hurting any of my friends again, you're going home with more than a few bruises and I will personally deliver that beating. Do I make myself clear?"

He didn't say anything he just nodded, I let go of his fist and said, "Good now get out of here you're making me sick." He did as he was told and ran off.

Well thats the end of chapter 5, please state your opinions below as I have said before... and thats all I have for authors notes ^^; So I will see you all next chapter for Changes of the eclipse.