Deserted pt 4

Story by CrazyPuma on SoFurry

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Yet again, playing with tenses, trying to be first person

Deserted Pt. 4

Where am I? I woke up in a daze strapped to a table in a what looked like a medical experimentation lab.

"Hey, where am I, Why am I tied up, let me go!!" I yelled out to the empty lab. Someone came rushing in immediately to tend to me.

"Calm down, calm down, you can fight as much as you want, but you're not getting out and we're not letting you out, the more you scream the worse it'll be on your voice and ears, and that's the last you need at this point."

I have been living in the company's 'supplied quarters' for two months now. After my attempted escape, they basically locked me in this room and the adjoining room. It wasn't as bad as it cold have been though. They did live up to their end of the agreement. For signing up, I get as much food as I want, and any food I want, I can still get on the Internet and talk to people but I am monitored to not send for help, I can still watch TV, and I still get to play video games. It could have been much worse, but still the idea of not being able to leave is hard for me to get around.

The past couple of weeks have been hard though. I don't have a mirror and I have no way of seeing my own image but my body is changing and I have no idea what's going on. I try to get some composure on the table that I'm strapped to. I don't know how I got here, I think they drugged me again, they don't like it when I fight back so they stopped trying and they just drug me for things like this.

The straps stretch and complain but no matter how hard the force is, they won't break. The doctor's stop and listen when I try because they know they won't break but it sure does sound like it. Pulling on the straps is harder than it used to be though. Walking is getting harder too, I find myself on the tips of my toes more often than not. If anything, my heels feel like they're stretching, but they can't, they're bone. My feet sure are a bit longer than they were than when I got here.

I lay back down and give in for a bit. I can't keep doing this but I'll be damned before I let it go without a fight. I'm down for roughly a minute before it hurts too much to keep laying down. My tailbone hurts, it feels like there's more down there than there was before. I can't even sit down normally anymore.

One of the doctor's walks over to my table and looks down at me. "How are you feeling today?"

"Feeling? You're asking me how I'm feeling when I'm a prisoner at this company and most of my body hurts? I can't do anything anymore without it hurting in some way or another, and I'm pissed off because I haven't been outside in two months. How do you think I'm doing?"

"Well, if you don't take the pain medication we give you then of course you're going to be in pain. You're body is transforming, you are basically taking a new form, and the process is not slow either, it will only take three years. It traditionally takes humans up to twenty years to fully develop and a normal mountain lion four years to reach full adulthood, and you're transforming in three years, it's fast, but painful. And to how you're feeling, you seem to be feeling like everyone else. So I think you're doing fine." the doctor calmly explains.

Everyone else? How many people have they done this too? How many people's lives have they ruined? Even worse, how many people have died from this? I can't do this, I can't be here, I gotta get out. The straps start complaining again under my wrists. "Let me GO!!!" I start yelling out again.

"You are a rowdy one aren't you?" The doctor sighs. He injects me with a syringe and everything fades out to black.

I woke up again still strapped to the table. "Wha-what's going on?" I feel like I just woke up from sleeping for a long time. Lifting my arms is hard, so hard I can barely lift them high enough for them to get stopped by the straps. I try moving my legs and a strange feeling ensues. My feet feel like they're twice as long as before and if they move they're in intense pain. I left my head and look at my hands and yelp in surprise. My thumbs are receding down towards my forearms. How is this happening and more importantly, what is happening?

A doctor bursts into the room, "Why are you awake? We put you to sleep for a while and you're supposed to be asleep still. You're supposed to be out for a while longer. Well, as long as you're awake, how are you doing?"

"I can't stop being in more pain than I have been in years. How can you do this to people?" I managed to get out through bouts of pain.

"You signed up for it, you volunteered. We even explained to you what was going to happen and you still stayed, so you have no one but yourself to blame."

"Me, I'm the one to blame, you didn't tell me you were going to change me into something else. How can you do this to people? I can't even imagine what other people have gone through." I used up almost all of my energy just to get mad at this guy to yell at him. He seemed particularly unfazed by it though.

"Calm down, lay down, you are going back to sleep for a while. Just to let you know, It's been six months since you were awake last, your transformation is coming along nicely, and there are no problems. Be glad, you're one of the few."

The doctor injects me with another unknown substance and everything fades to black again.

Copyright for the characters, the plot, and the story. DO not reproduce without my consent and if asked, then I would more than likely give you permission.

Deserted Pt. 5

Deserted Pt. 5 Jonathan was running again, but this time something stopped him. Two miles out of town a sign stood beside the road. The next closest towns were at least fifty miles away. He couldn't make that. The desert would claim his life if he...

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Deserted Part 3

Deserted Part 3 Jon slept like a dream that day. The sleep he received that night was the most revitalizing sleep he had gotten in what felt like forever. A complete day and a half passed before the tired being woke up. He stood up and faltered for...

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Deserted Pt. 2

Note: As this is one of my first stories, I tried p laying around with the tenses so it may sound a bit weird in spots, but please be patient. I've got nothing better going on in my life, might as well try it, Jon exclaimed to himself after looking...

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