Deserted pt 4
Yet again, playing with tenses, trying to be first person Deserted Pt. 4 Where am I? I woke up in a daze strapped to a table in a what looked like a medical experimentation lab. "Hey, where am I, Why am I tied up, let me go!!" I yelled out to...
Deserted Part 3
Deserted Part 3 Jon slept like a dream that day. The sleep he received that night was the most revitalizing sleep he had gotten in what felt like forever. A complete day and a half passed before the tired being woke up. He stood up and faltered for...
Deserted Pt. 2
Note: As this is one of my first stories, I tried p laying around with the tenses so it may sound a bit weird in spots, but please be patient. I've got nothing better going on in my life, might as well try it, Jon exclaimed to himself after looking...
Deserted Pt.1
Part 1 Jonathan was running, but from what, he had no idea. He woke up, and started running; not even knowing why or where. In the middle of the desert at high noon, slowing down wasn't even an option. After three hours in the hot sun, he finally...
Museum Killers
Below is a dream that i had and I wrote down some of the mindsets. No organized at all and if you make it through I will be impressed. Looking back, it is kind of hard to read NOTE: Not furry related at...
The Mountain
Note: I wrote this up real quick tonight. I liked the idea, there is no mention of what kind of animal it is except for a large quadriped (specific I know) I don't write too much so hopefully there aren't too many oulandish errors. Hope you enjoy...
Deserted Pt. 5
Deserted Pt. 5 Jonathan was running again, but this time something stopped him. Two miles out of town a sign stood beside the road. The next closest towns were at least fifty miles away. He couldn't make that. The desert would claim his life if he...