Too Ordinary
Just him walking by gave me this sudden wave of infatuation, out of nowhere. well, unlike the average girl, i'm not going to fall for him that easily. i want to find out more about jason welsh.
Ch. 14: Albrand, Village of Ideals
He couldn't explain why his mind was so infatuated by arion anyways. it wasn't as if there was anything remotely interesting or attractive about - hostility! anger!
Stasis: Ch 1 (Hollow Knight Fanfic)
Lurien was so blinded by his infatuation with the king that he couldn't see the truth in front of him. for a watcher, he was rather unobservant. but she'd have to figure out how to tolerate him.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 17
Perhaps it was due to the somewhat creepy infatuation corrupted version of cynder caused in him? or it was blossoming love from the very beginning noticing something in the green eyes that no other one could see?
The Case of the Carbon Clawmark: An Inspector Lorkin Adventure
"he was perfect, perfect--" "there there," inspector lorkin comforted, "we've all had our minor infatuations, though in this case i see the condition was terminal." he sighed, and patted the young recruit on the back.
Face in the Mirror Chapters 1 and 2
Sadly he hadn't even his infatuation with misty breeze to keep his mind hopeful. he still remembers the sting of seeing the announcement on the television, "weather girl misty breeze, to be wed to the channel eleven superstar, tom twister".
Nala's Venture: The Tale of Kiomi
The child approached a few steps but soon became infatuated with another nearby slumbering lion. looking up, nala saw additional human children wandering about the common area.
DragonZ Chapter 18
Monkey see, monkey do but, in this case two dragons that are infatuated with each other. kiddo mired kelsey and they opened up their wings slightly to slow down. the stroke of midnight finally hit and the full moon at its highest.
Inner Dilemma | Part 7
Now that i think of it, my feelings for john were more infatuation than anything else." kyle squeezed my paw a little more in an understanding manner.
It's Your Vacation
Lager's peripherals were too blurry to see, not to mention he was far too infatuated by those eyes. otherwise he would have noticed the wolf's long tail getting to work wrapping him up tight like a parcel.
Homonus Nocturna - Chapter 1 - The First Date
So could she really afford to become infatuated? realising that she had been silent for longer than was necessary, melody quickly piped up, "i'm sorry if you feel we are moving too quickly, it's just...
The Crown: Chapter Five
I can tell by the way she looks at me now that she's determined to find out, and i can also tell that she's infatuated with you for this reason." his frown deepened, and his brows drew together.