Alantris, Chapter 8

It is a specialty phrase for you skill, and will only work to by those with our eyes to impart illusions. it is _'spheris, aperra ignita'_. now say it and concentrate your mind on the illusion you want to impart.

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Towering Strength - Dragon TF

"so the conniving little illusion creator was fooled by an illusion!" he laughed. "i might have actually outdone myself with that, and my illusion magic doesn't even hold a candle to that brat!" "you actually know magic?" joe enquired.

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4. A First Encounter

Fearlessly, the illusion walks toward the galmag as a sly grin crosses her short fuzzy muzzle as her deep-blue eyes stare at it.

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The Room

You should summon one those illusions shade talked about so you can get used to the enhancements." "sounds like a good idea" she says flexing her hand trying feel a difference. she walked a ways away from us and waited for the illusion.

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Speech 3. Perfection.

Perfection is only an illusion, but of course you must know that by now. but everyone acts on their own interpretation, on what they can accept as correct and true. but that just means your beliefs are all illusions to others.

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Poem #29: Truth and Lies

Enjoy your stay, enjoy your fun, while the illusion lasts. ~bhscorch [!

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Gift From Heaven World Introduction

Fourth level guarded by fourth gate was granted in basic basic illusion magic and stronger versions of darkness, pain and hell fire magic. creatures from this level were nightmares, anthropomorphic hell horses with horns like unicorns.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 3: In the Mouth of Darkness

"what a great illusion you got there, dragon," said the dragon. "i bet a magician gave you that trick."

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They part i once loathed the thought of falling in love thinking it may never happen to me i was certain about that until that faithful day i remember that i fell into its spell its daze was so real but it was just an illusion

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frame relationships

In an a-frame relationship one of the partners is mostly dependent on what the other partner can give the illusion of fulfillment for.


Debt | by KitsuneJey

"illusions build our world, / meant to enslave us with its lies. / any better way to battle / than the fire against the fire?" inspired on debt, an artwork by vye d. aru. **debt (a poem)** by **kitsunejey** _"what's this stuff?"

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 10: Escaping the Meadows

It was unusual to appear to be wearing boots due to an illusion, yet feel every bit of the ground as he walked.

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