I will never bend

Even if i'm surrounded by hopelessness and despair i will never give up my place in this societal warfare who are they to judge me for whom i kiss i guess for them ignorance is really bliss.


The Darkness

You stand there wondering how you will escape this seemingly hopeless world; this...horrible, horrible place with which you find yourself trapped in. then....you see a light. a light at the end of the tunnel, if you will.

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Rust River Valley Rail Crossing Three, Pop. 527

From this hopeless collection of rust. this town takes its tolls, this place breaks our souls, in return for a handful of dust. oh they say you are taking the sunshine if that's true, take as much as you may. take the wind. take the rain.

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FUR-POWER (short preview)

#1 of myself how life on the streets can feel so hopeless but it finds away around its turns at the time i truly thought i was all alone, after mom died and dad left us i only had my brother with me, now i'm the oldest but still i'm not ready to watch

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That isn't sharp i feel so useless and helpless as days go by and all i can feel is that i am about to die about to cry because i am tasting my favorite flavored cyanide and then i remember who i met after december and life no longer seems so hopeless

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My Hope, My Love.

. :) my hope, my love by dominius i was alone and hopeless, i thought i was crazy moron, whom was unable to be loved. "whats wrong with me." i thought everyday, everynight as i lay down. i've had crushes. i've had boyfriends.

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Everlasting Distractions

I get a sense of hopelessness and un-want. so i sit and watch as they are blinded by their own emotions and i begin to drown in my own. i know that somewhere in the back of my head, a voice is telling me to move on.

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Taste of Fire: Thoughts of Hatred

Her eyes will see the fear in her creation, the lonliness, and the hopelessness. she will be my final meal. the father is more than welcome to try and retrieve his beloved child.

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Why Can't The Lone Wolf Howl?

That was two years prior to this desperate, hopeless night. tonights a new moon. the darkness engulfs the lone wolf. he does not care as he has no purpose, no one or nothing to live for. why can't the lone wolf howl?

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Smoke Break

The stars were out in full force, beating back the infinite darkness; thousands upon thousands of brave, endlessly shining souls, fighting a hopeless fight against an invincible opponent.


A pride birthday

Though cameron was still hopelessly severed from music, it was nice he was willing to indulge for his birthday. the phone than rang, and the bear picked it up. "happ bday man!" arturo had typed. "thhnks!" devon typed back.

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Unxpected Dinner

"crap, craaap" selk muttered angrily to himself as he stumbled through the thick brush and overhanging branches, he was hopelessly lost deep within the forest and it was steadily getting darker. "dammit, why did i think this was i smart idea?"

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