Grayson's Triad Book 1 -- Prologue
I was wrapped up warmly in the stands, cheering on our home-team advantage with the more civilized hooligans of the university. the teams weren't letting us down, as far as both entertainment and tension were concerned.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.4 - Hidden Treasures
He heard ganbe's voice from behind and immediately grabbed him to point towards the two crumpled hooligans, staggering up the street with a wheezing gasp but no sign of the steel saviour.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.3 - One Week Left
But now it was a dismal state, the jade having weathered and chipped through years of neglect, the roofs peeling back to resemble withered fruit and more than a few windows had been broken by hooligans, all in a sad little courtyard hidden at the back of the
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.4 - The Edge of Despair
"a lady such as myself would never partake in a canned beverage like some...hooligan!" "mother-uh, karasami-san," nevar added, "he was talking to me, that's chocolate." "oh."
A Digital Story Theos
I mistook you for a hooligan, my name is jared and i'm one hundred eighty years young," jared said proudly as he raised his head away from theos hooves. "you must be hungrier than a starved greymon!
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.2 - A Brotherhood of Fists
"a pair of disreputable punks," she smiled wide from her bovine lips, "and if you do what i say, you will only be seen as that, they trust my word a lot more than some hooligans."
Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.4 - The Golden Crown
The hooligan yelped and relaxed his grip enough for gordon to kick behind himself, and slam the punk against the bins a second time, turning fast with a wild swing to crunch the wooden tip of his bat into the white furry jaw and send him rolling across
The desert
We're a bunch of illiterate hooligan psychopaths trying to understand a culture we've just wiped out._ it happened just before sundown. they were just about to go inside when without warning, a column of grey smoke came over the rooftops.
The Witch, the Train, and the Pocketwatch
It seemed that today those hooligans really wanted to piss her off. ------------------------------ adam felt really ashamed of all the trouble he caused.
Episode 9A: Inquiry
"the only thing i'm infamous for is trying to corral the hooligan he used to be when he was younger," he said, taking a drink. "i think he forgets what a punk he used to be." "i haven't forgotten anything," harry said, also taking a drink.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.2 - The Mad Bird of Issincho
One hooligan tried to stab her with a katana, but she simply grabbed it in her giant hands and snapped it in half, then slapped the thug several feet out the backdoor and onto the street.
Jackie-The-Junior Blackmail
'he reformed hooligan. when he in late high-school, then into college he tricked into participating in riots and such by teachers and classmates. assaulted someone then arrested when president restored order.