Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.4 - The Golden Crown

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#4 of Kaiju ga Gotoku, Act 2 - Golden Scales With Silver Tongues

With their search for the Host shut down by Murata, the Toho Clan's Obakimura family must return to their duties instead and hope for further news. But Kiryu finds himself busy enough, when he meets a powerful member of the Jinuchu Clan who has taken more than a vested interest in him.

Alright, it's time to kick up the plot into second gear! I'm sure some of you might recognise the new character to enter the ring. Originally I had his intro be a lot more intense, but Philip91 pulled me back a bit, and it works a lot better.

Godzilla and co. copyrighted to TOHO Co. Ltd, Gamera to Daiei Film Co. Ltd, and Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku to SEGA

The next morning, after the encounter at the Scirocco Hotel, Kiryu and Sano gave their report to Obakimura at the family base and explained what went down with Murata.

"He's serious about this huh?" Sanjin leaned back on the couch. "You found nothing 'bout this Host?"

"Nope," Kiryu shrugged in his chair, "and if we come close again he's definitely going to detain us."

"Even after we saved his life!" Sano thumped his desk. "Fuckin' asshole he coulda said thank you at least!"

"We don't protect this city to be thanked, we do it to keep creatures safe."

"He's right Sano," Varan nodded sagely, "it's a thankless task, I'm sure thuh cops don't get thanked fer keeping us safe either."

"So he knows what it feels like!" Anguirou snarled. "Gods I'm pissed off, walking my ass all over and getting beat up for nothing!"

"Alrigh', well I'm callin' off thuh hunt fer now. Cops gettin' too twitchy about us is when we need to back off an' focus on our business."

"And if we see the Host again?" Kiryu asked looking over reports. "You still want us to bring her in?"

"If you find her yes," said Varan, "but don't go outta yer way, y'all cross paths then do yer thing but if you don't see her, then don't pursue her."

"What about the other families? They won't come down on you for it?"

"You just leave them to me Kiryu," he tapped his mohawk-spikes, "I got a ways with folks like them, that's why I'm thuh patriarch. By thuh way, there's a letter fer you."


Kiryu looked surprised as Sanjin offered him a letter. It was rare for them to receive any in this day and age, but it had only been marked with Kiryu's name in a cursive kanji. Inside was a single blank card that read thus:

Meet me at 4pm, alone, in Cafe Alps

- Kamoebara's boss

"What is it?" Sano asked.

"The boss of that Kamoebara I fought at the temple," Kiryu said folding the paper, "they want to talk at the cafe."

"You need backup?"

"No, they said to come alone."

"Could be a trap," said Varan rubbing his snout.

"It would be a hell of a trap if we're meeting in a public place," Gojirama pocketed the note, "I'll let you know how it goes."

"Alrigh', watch yerself."

For the rest of the morning they would work on reports, busying themselves until noon after which most of them had been filed off with accounts sorted from across the week. Stepping out under an overcast day with the threat of rain approaching, Sano's mood turned to worse with a heavy snarl as he shook his head.

"This fuckin' sucks."

"I know," Kiryu offered a cigarette, "if I see the Host, I'll call you and we bring her down together."

"Thanks bro." He took the stick and lit it up. "Hey, that was your last one."

"I was getting more anyway, it's fine. So, what are you up to today?"

"Mmmm, gonna try out some Virtua Fighter, got a nasty combo that I figured out and wanna tech with."

"Heh, alright, I'll do my usual route and call you if anything comes up."

"Thanks, later Kiryu."

The spikeback headed north to Theater Square whilst Kiryu took a moment to form an itinerary in his head, mentally tracking a path through Kaijurocho that would hit all of the points needed in the quickest amount of time. His first port of call was the Poppo store just north of the office, but as he stepped up to the sliding doors he saw the clerk busy with a a blue-and-white wolf in a hoodie. At first he wanted to wait, but then he saw the customer snarling with a jabbing finger as he stepped closer to hear.

"Don't fuck with me this used to be cheaper!"

"Sorry sir!" Gordon put up his hands. "Price still same, sixteen-hundred yen!"

"Fuck off it was six-hundred!" he shook a bottle of beer in front of him. "You musta got it wrong!"

"No, it's not wrong, sixteen-hundred sir!"

"Can you even fucking read kanji!?"


Oh come on, Kiryu scowled taking his first steps in, that's too far, I'm putting a stop to this.

"Yeah, that's gotta be it it," the wolf spread his arms at the clerk, "how long you even been here, you just get off the boat?!"

"No!" McCartin shook his head. "I live here, three years!"

"Lotta good it's done you, if you can't even speak Japanese properly you shouldn't be working here!"

"Stop it, you leave now!"

"I'll do what the fuck I want, this is MY country, so why don't you get back where you came from-"


Kiryu and the customer shared the same look when Gordon slammed his fists on the desk. His eyes of deep amber pierced into the lupine's as the clerk composed his words.

"I...live here. I study Japanese, for SEVEN YEARS, I work here! What job you have?!"

"Pfft, job?!" the wolf sneered pulling back. "You're not my dad you milk-drinking fuck I don't need a job I got my fam-"


Gordon snapped into his native tongue, stepping out from behind the desk lifting the separator as the punk started walking backwards from the gushing river of Irish Gaeilge assaulting his ears.

"Woa-woah woah what the fuck!?"

"Cuirfidh mé mo chos suas do thóin go dtí seo," McCartin jabbed his finger at the wolf, "cicfidh mé do chuid fiacla AMACH!"

"The FUCK are you saying you fucking freak is that a curse?!"

"TÉIGH AMACH!" he shrieked even higher. "Ná bí ar ais, go dtí go bhfoghlaimíonn tú roinnt BÉASA!"

"F-FUCK, alright fine your beer's trash anyway, fucking French asshole piece of shit!"

Stumbling out the door and almost barging into Kiryu, the wolf headed down the street with a shocking tail of white and azure as Gojirama walked into the shop. Gordon was heaving with slight tears in his eyes and bowed profuse to the kaiju slipping back in Japanese.

"S-sir, Kiryu-san, forgive me."

"Are you alright?" Kiryu patted his shoulder. "That guy was out of line."

"I, sorry you see that."

"No no, you were in the right, I'm glad you could stand up for yourself, that's not easy in another country."

"Hmm, my, mother taught me, snow."


"UH, c-courage!" he babbled bowing again. "She taught me courage, s-sorry!"

"Hahaha, it's fine," Kiryu smiled waving his hand, "those are easy to mix up, you need anything McCartin-san?"

"No. Th-thank you, Kiryu-san."

Walking back behind the counter, Gordon took a deep breath and counted to twelve before bringing out his smile.

"Hello, sir, can I help you?"

"Hmhm, you can." Kiryu nodded. "I need a pack of Fat Man cigarettes, please."


"You're not going to be in trouble are you, for shouting at that punk?"

"No no," the clerk turned to grab the packet, "boss is very nice, knows this area rough, have to be sn-...courageous."

"Heh, he's right," Gojirama pulled out his money, "so, seven years learning Japanese?"


"That means you were learning it four years before you came here proper?"

"Yes!" McCartin grinned perking his earfins. "You remember!"

"Well, you're nice to talk to, plus I never met anyone from Europe."

"Really, never?"

"Not that I know," Kiryu shrugged, "I'm sorry again about that punk-"

"No, no, not your fault," Gordon gave him the cigarettes, "how are you Kiryu-san?"

"Pretty good, just checking the city out."

"How was, your friend, he bought sikye?"

"Sikye...oh, oh he's fine, I fobbed him off to someone else and saved me a headache."

"Hahaha, good work!" Gordon gave a thumbs up. "Save you, headache."

"Hmhm, yes," Gojirama smirked shaking his head, "listen, if you need any help, or any other punks give you trouble, not that you seem to need it but if you ever need me."

He offered a card from his pocket and bowed presenting it.

"Call this number and ask for Kiryu. If I'm not available, say you're the Poppo store from just up the road and one of my friends will come."

"Oh, thank you!" Gordon took it bowing in return. "I am glad we met, you are nice Kiryu-san."

"Heh, I'm glad we met too, McCartin-san."

With a fond farewell, Kiryu left and headed up along Taihei Boulevard, walking in front of the Millennium Tower and heading south down Nagamichi Street. Nothing was out of place, a few punks messing around but quickly scared off by Kiryu's words and a mean look as he went along East Showa Street. At the southeast part of the district, he found Zennyo Avenue whilst taking a cigarette.

The old avenue struggled on with its meagre shops and business fronts, but nothing seemed out of place as he took a serpentine path through the southern quadrants before stepping back onto East Taihei Boulevard. A large grandiose building stood on the corner that Kiryu had passed many times but never had a good look at until his mind wandered just enough, its faux-Roman columns and arching gables standing out from the city with a pair of elaborate iron doors that were fit for a castle.

The old Shangri-La. Kiryu rubbed his chin. Pretty exclusive place, weird how I've never been inside all these years...wonder what it looks like?

He took a long drag of his cigarette, the crackling spark of atoms in the miniature fission tube burning his throat with a soft haze that filled his lungs and resurged his spirits slightly. Then he turned his head east and much to his surprise, he saw a pale heron in a sari just outside the entrance of the Champion District.

Isn't that, Aosukawa from the temple? Why is she out here alone after what happened?

She walked into the alley and Kiryu quickly followed, softening his steps after stubbing out his smoke in a bin and peeking round the corner to see the heron stop in a dead-end that split off the path, before one reached the rat-run of taverns where a small rectangular lot surrounded by apartment walls and thick air conditioners stood humming above their heads.

"I'm here," she said, "I have the stuff."

"Awesome," said a male voice from the shadows, "I was really needing it this week."

"I hope it makes you feel good, it wasn't easy sneaking it out."

"Heh, I bet," the shadow took something from her, "don't wanna make your boss mad right?"

What is she doing? Kiryu tightened his fists. Is this some kind of deal?

"Don't use it all up," the heron bowed, "I won't be able to get more until next month."

"Damn, she run a tight ship," the stranger offered her some banknotes, "here, li'l something for yourself."

"Heehee, thank you."

"Alright, talk to ya next month Aosu-chan."

"You too, Saurose-san."

Stepping out of the Champion Alley, Kiryu watched Aosukawa and the stranger go their separate ways with the male heading towards him. He crouched behind a pillar at Shangri-La's entrance to see what resembled a reptilian seahorse in a black leather jacket, a long-fluted snout with two antennae in front of his crested fin that draped down his neck to the larger dorsal fin on his back. His scales were covered in black welts to resemble leopard spots around his bronze-chested abs, as he looked quickly round the exit.

Oh no, Kiryu groaned inwards, don't tell me she's dealing. Maybe she's in deeper trouble than I thought, gods this is going to break Shoji-sama's heart. I need to stop this. But if I get involved he might call his friends, he looks like he's in a gang with that jacket.

The stranger took his leave and headed east, his giant-fin tail swishing behind as Kiryu noted the emblem on the back of his jacket, a viper slithering out of a sewer as his eyes widened. He brought out his phone and walked north along the street to text one of his friends.

Goji - Hey, I need your help.

Angy - wassup?

Goji - You remember the Tunnel Snakes, the gang you used to run with? Was there a guy called Saurose?

Angy - uhhh yeh why?

Goji - I saw him make a deal with one of the temple priestesses. I think it's drugs.

Angy - WAT?!? You shittin me!!

Goji - Is he dangerous?

Angy - awww fuck, dude i thought he was in prison!!

Goji - For what?

Angy - naw, we gotta meet up, this shits bad im in theater square

Heading up Shachifuku Street to complete his full route, Gojirama headed west all the way to Theater Square where he saw Sano coming out the arcade. They went to the Children's Park in the northwest sector of the district, a sad little place with two swings, a seesaw and a few benches next to a public bathroom.

"What happened?" Anguirou asked first.

"One of the priestesses might be dealing," Kiryu said, "this guy Saurose, has fins and orange scales, lotta black bumps?"

"Yeah, that's him, aww shit this ain't good." The spiked kaiju clutched his horn. "Taijin Saurose, he's a ruthless bastard, that dude never knew when to stop back when I was in the gang."

"Was he your captain?"

"Nah, well, he was like, second-in-command, I kinda had to keep him close cuz I knew he'd go off the rails."

"I'm surprised your old gang's even still around," Kiryu rubbed his neck, "I thought they broke up after I recruited you."

"You mean after you beat the shit outta me?" Sano slumped on a bench. "I was totally expecting them to break off after that, shit I even told 'em to cuz, you know, we were small players in the pond and you guys were the bigger fish."

"Really?" Kiryu sat beside him.

"Yeah, you took me down in front of my gang, what else was I supposed to do? But I love being in the Toho, it's so much more real you know, like yeah okay the rules kinda suck sometimes but I see why they're there to keep kaiju safe on both sides, also the whole 'no drugs, no extortion, no killing' is actually pretty baller for a yakuza clan to do."

"We're pretty different from others." Kiryu patted his friend's back. "But I brought you in because I knew you were the best."

"Hah, thanks bro."

They bumped fists before Gojirama asked:

"Is there any way to contact your old gang?"

"I didn't keep any numbers...but." Anguirou clicked his fingers. "There's an old mailbox we use, if that's still good I could contact one of them with my old handle."

"Won't they get suspicious?"

"Nah, I know how they work, you want to meet Taijin yeah?"

"Just to know what he's up to, yeah, you let me know when you make contact and I'll talk to Aosukawa in case someone goes after her."

"This the same priestess that got almost kidnapped?"

"Yeah, it's like a curse," Kiryu shook his head, "but if she's dealing then there's no excuse, she'll get kicked out the temple."

"So, wait, you think...no." Sano shook his head. "You think that's why she got targeted?"

"Let's not jump to conclusions, but it does look bad for her." Gojirama stood back up. "Let me know soon as you make contact."

"Got it." Anguirou stood up with him. "Hey that meeting you got with this clan boss, you sure you don't need help?"

"I'll be fine," Kiryu nodded, "I'll call you if I need you."

"Alright, catch you later."

Heading out of the park the two friends split, Sano heading back to Theater Square and Kiryu walking along Shachifuku Street again. In truth he wanted to veer closer to the batting centre to gauge his mood on whether he needed a few home runs to get out his system. Then he heard his phone squeak.

"That was fast," he muttered pulling it out, "damn Sano when you get off your ass you can really-oh."

Hidet - Kiryu-san, hello! Hope I'm not disturbing you, it's Royama-san, you know, the Number One in number twos!? I need an extra hand, do you have a minute sometime today?

Goji - Sure, how can I help?

Hidet - GREAT, thank you, I'll be in front of Millennium Tower! See you soon!

"Well." Kiryu sighed. "I did promise I'd help him. But why would he need me?"

He would soon regret finding out, as he walked down south to Taihei Boulevard once again in front of the grand pillar of the Tower, some benches placed in front of its steps with a transparent perspex roof hanging over. His eye cast towards an awkward-looking costume of a large western toilet hidden on a higher ramped area directly beneath the Tower. He did not need to see the thick shaggy head emerging from the toilet to know who it was.

"Kiryu-san-ow!" Royama bowed bonking the lid on his head. "Thank you for coming so quickly!"

"I did promise," Gojirama kept his distance, "how's the campaign going?"

"Not bad, we're making waves on social media, well, mostly ridicule, but it's something! We can't get flushed now! I got some stuff I need setting up, I have permission from the council, I just need some extra hands because most of my workers are on holiday."

"Shouldn't you be on holiday too?"

"Your bathroom doesn't get a holiday and neither do I!" Hideo thunked his rim. "I have a doody to this city, to wipe its rear clean so it can go forth with pride!"

"Uhhh huh," Kiryu looked over to the boxes behind him, "you just want me to set something up?"

"Yes please, right where the benches are."

Setting up a small stall, Kiryu fitted together joints and poles along with unfurling a sky-blue banner of two flying toilets, one squatting-style and one sitting, with the words "GIVE A HOOT, CLEAN YOUR CHUTE" emblazoned between them.

"You're still using that slogan?" Kiryu grimaced.

"Yeah it's a real hit with the kids!" Royama shouted from above. "Hashtags Kiryu, why didn't I think of it?!"

"This an idea from your assistant?"

"Oh yeah, he's a great little pisser, he'd come today but he also has a holiday, some Hindu thing called Nag Panchami? But he's the one that suggested the colours for the stall!"

"Huh, sounds like a smart kid," Kiryu dusted his hands walking back to the hidden toilet, "alright, it's ready!"

"GREAT-ow!" Royama bowed bonking the lid again. "You know you make a real good number two Kiryu-san!"


"Now, I need you to remember some important facts about bathroom hygiene, you're going to handle the stall, we have flyers but if anyone has follow-up questions, you'll need to answer them."

"Wait, what?" Kiryu put up his hands. "Hold on, I'm not a sewer expert-"

"No no it'll be fine, here!" Hideo slipped him a sheet of paper. "This is an FAQ I pulled from our site if you need any help, but if anything gets too much, call me over with the keyphrase 'FLUSH IT'! Unless I'm with someone, then I might not be available since I'm answering their questions too!"

"Alright," the reptilian read through it briefly, "this won't take too long will it?"

"Oh no, I only have this spot for an hour, but I'm sure it'll be a gas, even for an old fart like me!"

Sitting down at the stall with several pamphlets spread out in front, Kiryu waited patiently for anyone to approach, whilst Royama stood ready in the toilet costume as a means to lure unwitting pedestrians in. Their first clients came in the form of two college girls, a slender pale tiger and a scarlet-headed phoenix.

"Clean your chute?" one of them asked.

"Yep," Kiryu smiled nodding, "this is a kiosk to help educate Kaijurocho about bathroom hygiene, while being safe for the environment."

"Ohhhh right is this like a public safety thing?"

"Sort of, we're trying to raise awareness for kaiju to change their bathroom habits for the better, because the public waste system is being overloaded with non-degradable waste."

"Oh damn, really?" the phoenix rubbed her neck. "That does sound kinda bad, but...can you answer anything about toilets?"

"I'll do my best."

"Mmmm, okay!" She looked over to the large toilet. "How come some places got weird ones like that and not ones like ours?"


Kiryu looked down at his hidden FAQ sheet. It did not have info on this as he quickly turned to Royama.

"I guess it starts with how they FLUSH IT."

"AH, indeed it is!" Hideo lumbered over with a salute. "I heard your question and yes, it is very weird how this toilet looks to us doesn't it, though we have had western toilets installed in Japan over the years!"

"Hahaha wow did you lose a bet?!" the tiger snorted at the costume.

"I sure did, but one thing I won't lose is your attention!"

"HAH, alright you got me there, so what's the deal with different toilets?"

"Well, it comes from the fact that the western toilet was designed with interior plumbing in mind! See, Europeans developed a flushing system, but also it was considered a very fancy thing to have your own personal potty to sit on, by lords and nobles who didn't want to use the traditional hole in the ground. Over time as more and more beasts got interior plumbing, their toilets changed too to be the one styled like what I'm wearing."

"For real?" the phoenix squinted. "So it's all just fancy rich people?"

"Indeed!" Royama raised a finger. "In fact, the squat toilet's not just in Japan, they also use it in other countries that stuck to more traditional ways, such as China, Turkey, India, Indonesia, Iran, most of South America and Africa too!"

"So, why'd they keep that and not go with the cool flushing stuff?"

"Because squat toilets are easier to clean, and in some cases more hygienic because they usually provide you anal cleansing devices, like a jug of fresh water to clean you and the toilet after!"

"Wouldn't that just give you a wet butt?" the tiger snickered curling her lip.

"It would," Hideo nodded bonking the lid, "but that's what toilet paper can be for! You've used a washlet right, the thing that shoots water up your butt?"

"Well, yeah who doesn't?"

"In Europe, they call that a bidet, and the thing about those is, it's easier to dry your butt off, then to clean it off."

"Huh...that, kinda makes sense," the bird scritched her feathers. "What other things they do overseas?"

"Oh well, let's see," Royama tapped the rim of his bowl, "urinals in America are individual and separate, but in Europe they have a single trough that everyone stands in front of and it drains all the stuff away."

"What?! Why?!"

"It saves on water, by using the one drain instead of several, now here is where it gets fascinating!"

As Royama went off about the flushing mechanics of a urinal, Kiryu smirked at the odd fascination the ladies had of bathroom technology. At first he hoped it was going to be easy and that Hideo would get all the hard questions, until he saw a small mantis child skitter up towards him.

"Scuse meeee."

"Hm, oh! Hello there, you want to know about toilets?"

"Mmmhmm!" she nodded. "My dad went, to, Austraaaalia, an' he told me that toilets flush the other way! Issat true?!"


He looked back down at the FAQ sheet. Amazingly enough, this was a frequently asked question as he sighed with relief.

"No, it's not. There's a thing called the Coriolis effect, where in the northern hemisphere the wind in the air spirals counterclockwise. But in the southern hemisphere, it goes clockwise instead."

"Reaaally?" the bug-eyed girl gasped.

"But that does nothing to your toilet, or the water in your sink. The truth is, toilets and sinks will be designed differently in other places, so some will flush one way, and some will flush the other, even here."

"So my dad was...lying?"

"I don't think he meant to, but he is wrong on that."

"...he'll pay for this."

She said this quietly, tightening her fists and looking at the ground before looking back up to Kiryu with a grin.

"Thanks mister, g'bye!"

"Take care!" he waved at the girl running off.

That went well, the kaiju nodded to himself, not sure why that was a question, it's got nothing to do with making your bathroom more eco-safe.

"Um, p-pardon me."

A nervous-looking kappa shuffled towards him.

"I was, well, hoping to ask you some advice about, saving money."

"Hmm?" Kiryu sat up. "I'm here about toilet health, not saving money."

"B-but, maybe there's something in there to help, just, I have a large family, and we go through a lot of water, sometimes the bill makes me faint! Is there anything I could do to make that less?"

"Well let's see..." he looked down at the FAQ sheet, "there's quite a few things you can do, for starters don't use the shower so much, limit your time."

"That, th-that's not really feasible," the kappa rubbed his hands, "having six kids and all, we tend to use the bath to clean several at once."

"That's good, sharing bathwater, that's a great start! Do you have plants in your house?"

"I-i do, my wife has a lovely garden spot."

"When the bathwater is heating up, why not take that cold water and use it for the plants? That way you save money on filling up water from the sink."

"Huh! That...huh." The kappa rubbed his beak with a grin. "That makes a lot of sense, why didn't I think of that...anything else to save money with?"

"Hmmmm..." Kiryu took another look at the hidden sheet, "you could try and make your own shampoo, instead of buying store-bought."

"Really, is that allowed?"

"Of course. Just make sure to avoid anything your family might be allergic to, take an empty bottle, three cups of soap flakes, water, and some lavender oil, or rosemary if you like."

"That does sound lovely, and my wife does have those in her kitchen."

"You could also take hibiscus leaves and crush them in water-"

"G-goodness NO!" the husband shrieked pulling back. "My wife would kill me if I touched her hibiscus!"

"Alright, well if you have any herbal teas, take a quarter-cup of that, brew it an-...you know what, I have some pamphlets here."

He offered one of the pamphlets suggesting safe DIY shampoo recipes, along with another explaining simple ways to reduce water usage.

"This is very helpful!" the kappa bowed with scoop-hat keeping water in. "Thank you, I hope my wife will let me try these things, she's quite the harpy."

"Hah, that bad huh?" Kiryu smirked.

"No, she's from Greece, she's quite literally a harpy. I love her deeply but when she's upset she lets the whole world know hahaha!"

"Hmhm, well I hope this helps, take care sir."

"And you, thank you again!"

The kappa departed as Kiryu smiled leaning back in his seat, looking over to Royama who was still bantering to the two college students that hung on every word with a surprising fascination. His short moment of peace would be broken when he heard a couple arguing along the street.

"I'm sorry, I forgot!"

"How could you forget my favourite COLOUR?!"

"I-i don't pay attention, you know I'm a dumbass!"


"Okay look it's such a basic colour, everything is green, you can't get mad at me for that!"

"I found HAIR in my TOOTHBRUSH!"

"Excuse me!"

Kiryu waved to the bickering twosome, a shaggy male dog resembling a living pile of hair along with a green serpent lady who stopped and turned to the stall brimming with insult.

"Is something wrong?" Goji asked.

"No no!" the canine waved his hands. "Just uh, a lover's tiff-"

"It's the FIFTH TIME you've done this," shouted the snake, "it's a problem now Keuji-chan!"

"You don't have to tell the world about it Noko-chan."

"Maybe I can help?" Kiryu shrugged. "I overheard something about toothbrushes, I might have an idea."

"Who are you exactly?" the dog stepped forth

"I'm Kiryu, I'm helping with a stall about bathroom health, but anything else involving toiletries I could give advice to as well."

"Can you make this dipshit remember basic colours?!" the snake bapped the dog's head. "I have green, he has black, how hard can it be?!"

"I-i'm just not good with colours!"

"Why, are you colourblind or something?!"


The snake stepped back agasp at this confession. Kiryu started to quietly regret getting involved as Keuji rubbed his furry arms.

"I-i never had a good time to tell you, and I...well, yeah, I can't see red or green. I mostly rely on my nose for stuff, it's a lot more sensitive."

"Are you serious?" Noko shook her head. "Why...why would you not tell me, we've been living together for like a year!"

"I just...I'm sorry, I always felt really ashamed of it and I thought...m-maybe you wouldn't bother with me because I was so difficul-"

"Keuji-chan." She pulled him into a hug. "You really think I'd be that shallow, come on we've known each other since high school!"

"I'm sorry Noko-chan." The dog blushed shaking his furry body. "I should have told you before, I was just scared how you'd react."

"Hey...it's fine. But I still want a green toothbrush, I just can't not have that colour, so what're we gonna do?"

"I have a suggestion." Kiryu raised a finger. "Something that'll be healthy for you both and for the environment."

"Really?" the serpent cocked her long neck.

"You buy plastic toothbrushes right?"

"Yeah, course we do."

"Why not one of you buy a bamboo toothbrush instead? Not only are they biodegradable, but they also smell different to plastic so that way you can tell them more easily apart."

"Hey, tha-that's a great idea!" the dog bounced like a pile of leaves. "I-i can totally tell bamboo and plastic apart, no matter what colour it is!"

"That...sounds actually kinda cool," Noko rubbed her chin, "I could get a, a, a,green bamboo toothbrush OH that fits so good!"

"It totally does!" Keuji pumped his fist. "Let's go buy a pack, I'll stick to the plastic!"

"Yeah let's do it!"

"Wait, hold up!"

But it was too late. The dog and serpent went skipping down the road leaving Kiryu with a pamphlet about eco-safe products.

That was weird, he thought to himself, oh well, at least I've changed one creature's bathroom habits.

"And THAT'S how we extract excess radiation from your urine," finished Royama at last, "you'd be surprised how much A-rads you emit in your everyday life."

"Yoooo that's super weird," gasped the tiger shaking her head, "I didn't realise there was so much stuff going on in like toilets."

"Yeah I'm kinda digging this!" the phoenix nodded.

"You would, being a chemistry major."

"Oh, you are?!" Hideo tapped his toilet rim. "That's wonderful, you know if you ever get more curious we do have visiting hours on our site."

"No shit!"

"Ohoh no, plenty shit ma'am-ow!" he bonked himself with the lid again. "If you'd like to see more, please come round, who knows you might even end up with a job!"

"Hahaha, I mean I wouldn't say no," the bird shrugged her winged arms, "I was never that grossed out by toilet stuff."

"Yeah don't I know it," the tiger rolled her eyes, "we gotta go, bus comes at six."

"Oh shit yeah, hey I'll swing by the plant when you're open!"

"Farewell good citizens!" Hideo lifted his finger to the sky. "And remember, give a hoot, and clean your chute!"

"HAH, hahaha that's so dumb, but yeah I will, later!"

Even from his stall Kiryu could sense Royama's glee as his deep red eyes grew like a haunting owl, a burbling of excitement from his slime-haired body inside the lavatory costume as he turned towards the saurian.

"Did you hear that?!" Hideo pumped his gooey fists. "She said she would visit, I might have a future worker!"

"Congrats!" Kiryu grinned.

"Sorry for leaving you without the bog roll, how did it go?"

"Pretty great actually, got some interested creatures and I told them the right stuff."

"Excellent! You really are turning out to be the best number two I had, Kiryu-san."

"Uhhh...thanks," the reptile smirked rubbing his neck, "glad I could help, anything to make your job easier."

"Ohoh trust me you are, I almost had a dooky-dooky panic in my hearts trying to organise today!"

The rest of the session went by more smoothly, Kiryu answering questions and swiftly memorising the FAQ by the end of the session, whilst Hideo rattled off bizarre but technically fascinating facts to adults, and wowed children with gross tales from the underground. By the end of their ordained hour, they had managed to engage with at least 70 different kaiju, after which Kiryu packed up the stall and Royama sat himself on a bench with the lid clonking his head.

"That went down well," said the worker, "no clogs no nothing!"

"Glad to hear," Kiryu nodded, "I'm surprised we got so many."

"And that's only the start! If this campaign gets a surge, we'll sort out our shit finally, literally once I get enough outcry to reach city hall!"

"You're really determined about this aren't you?"

"Well someone has to be!" He stood up clasping the rim of his bowl. "I might talk a lot of shit, and others might poopoo what I say because they don't have time to piss around, but this is vital to our city! A healthy city is a happy city, and I won't pipe down about it until we can all clean our chutes!"

"Then I wish you the best." Kiryu bowed and stepped away. "I'll get back to my work, you take care Royama-san."

"I will, and thank you again, Kiryu-san!"

As he walked along to the east side of Millennium Tower, the saurian couldn't help but smile thinking on what he learned today.

I have to admit, he knows his stuff, he doesn't shy away from the grim reality, and he's clearly passionate about his work. That's the kind of creature you want in any job, no matter what it is.

As the afternoon dragged on with Kiryu taking the usual loop, finding the odd punk or layabout trying to start trouble, he saw it was almost 4pm, and made his way down to the Cafe Alps on Nagamichi Street. The cafe was its usual bustling self, kaiju sitting at every table, a bit more packed than usual as he sat himself down facing towards the door and waited.

"Afternoon sir," the green sea serpent slipped towards his seat, "what can I get you?"

"Not right now," Kiryu shook his head, "I'm currently waiting for someone."

"Understood sir."

With a bow using his whole neck, he walked back to the kitchen area with his apron fluttering slightly. A few minutes passed, nothing from the door as the babbling chatter of kaiju continued round his ears. Wooden tables and stone walls gave a comforting European vibe to the place, soft Belgian jazz playing over the interim with cups clattering from the kitchen.

Despite the calming atmosphere, Kiryu noticed the staff were oddly tense in their movements, stilted and shuffling like bit actors in a play. Ten minutes passed. Still no one came at the door, but then he felt someone squeeze his shoulder behind him.

"Sorry for the wait."

He fought against the urge to jump and fight.

"Had some business to deal with."

Kiryu looked at the hand on his shoulder. Claws of gold with long smooth fingers. The chair moved in front of him with a hard scrape after the visitor had stepped out of the kitchen behind Kiryu.

A dragon in a crimson suit now sat before him, his long golden neck and sharp piercing horns cresting like flames cast in sharp yellow, his eyes a searing white with the smallest black pupils as he stared across the room.

"They said it might be a storm later on," said the stranger. "You scared of lightning? "I've never been afraid of it. Love seeing the crack of light, like the gods split the world a new one, then you hear the roar. The thunder. Fucking excites me like nothing else, gives me that same kinda feeling when you're on a cliff with somebody and you just wanna...fuckin' PUSH them."

The visitor tensed his hands with a small shove across the air.

"Creatures always wanna look proper an' polite about shit but...we're only animals in the end, we still got instincts to fight, to rush, to get the blood pumping. Just like when you rushed in an' fucked with my boy Kamoebara."

He suddenly swivelled his neck to face Kiryu.

"Now what makes a kaiju like you wanna fuck with me, huh? Because I haven't known anyone who'd stick their nose into my business, and lived."

"So you're Kamoebara's boss?" Goji nodded. "The way you talk, I see now why your thugs are lower than dirt."

"Lower? Heh. So you really don't know who I am huh, little Toho boy?"

"Should I care? I'm not your parole officer, I don't need to remember every two-bit punk in a cheap suit I have to deal with."

"Yeah, I understand. Got a cigarette?"

Kiryu offered one out of politeness. The dragon reached over and snatched the entire pack from his hand, punching one cigarette out the hole to bring to his lips. A spark of lightning shot out from his tongue, igniting the white stick that he pulled between his teeth before pocketing the pack for himself.

"So," the dragon pumped fumes from his nostrils, "why'd you mess with my boy Kamoebara?"

"He was trying to kidnap a priestess," said Kiryu tensing his fists.

"Yeah? Didn't know the temple hired bouncers."

"You don't kidnap creatures. Especially not from the temple."

"Kidnapping's such an ugly word," the stranger waved his cigarette in the air, "I prefer the term 'active recruitment'."

"I don't care what you call it, you don't snatch creatures off the street when they don't wanna be taken."

"You also shouldn't get fucking involved in other creatures' lives, I have a debt to settle with little Aosu-chan."

"Then cancel it," Kiryu snarled. "She left that life, and no one can force her back."

"No one huh?" The dragon leaned forwards tapping cigarette ash on the table. "So why's it not okay for me to have her, but some mothballed cunt can keep her nice an' pretty-"

The cigarette flew out his hand when Kiryu backfisted it across the room. The cafe turned quiet, the sound of cutlery and plates throttled into silence when every kaiju held their breath. The drake looked to Kiryu with a bemused look hearing the next words from the Toho kaiju.

"Aosukawa's life is her own, and you don't own it anymore. Not you, not Shoji-sama, not anyone's. And if I hear you insult the high priestess again, you will regret it."

"...so I can't own anyone, huh?"


"Heh. That's cute."

He raised his hand up high and snapped his fingers. Every customer got up from their seats, and walked out of the cafe en masse as Kiryu stared somewhat confused around him. No one said a word, no one protested, not even looking towards him, even the waiters who left without a word despite their fearful expressions, until the dragon slapped his hand against one of the departing staff.

"You, stay."

"A-ah...yes, sir."

The sea serpent bowed deep and shuffled back to the side with a clenching of his teeth. The dragon turned back towards Kiryu with a false smile.

"I don't think you understand, who the fuck I am truly."

"I said before, I don't care," said Kiryu.

"Well you better start caring because I'm not some two-bit punk. I'm Gihei Ighorashi, the left hand of the Jinuchu Clan."

A moment of silence came, as if Gihei were allowing Kiryu the honour of hearing his name in reverence before he whistled sharp causing the waiter to jump over.

"Black coffee. No sugar."

"Y-yes, sir, will that be all?"

"What are you having?" the drake kept his eyes on Kiryu.

"Darjeeling, please," Goji nodded.

"Hmhmhmhm, darjeeling?! Ohhh you fancy little bitch, my brother would like you. So."

He rubbed his palms as the serpent went to get their drinks.

"What are we going to do about this huh?"

"Simple." Kiryu shrugged. "You tell your thugs to stop going near the temple, and we won't have any problems."

"That simple is it?"


"What if I just don't though, what happens then?"

"Then I beat your thugs harder until they leave, or they can't walk, your choice."

"And I'm supposed to take that? You really don't know who the fuck I am huh?"

"I don't care who you are," Kiryu leaned forwards with a deep glare, "Kaijurocho is under the protection of the Toho Clan, any interference or violence against this district, we will directly answer."

"You don't fucking own everything here," Gihei grinned, "I know that, I know because I got a few friends in high places, like my brother."

"So your clan owns stuff here too?"

"It sure does, pretty boy."

The waiter came back with their drinks. Gihei took a firm drink of his coffee as Kiryu sipped his tea, savouring the rare peace and quiet whilst the green serpent stood with a growing tension trying to walk back as carefully as he could.

"What rank are you anyway?" the dragon snorted. "Your suit's too fucking trash to be a patriarch."

"I'm a lieutenant," said Kiryu, "I protect these streets, that's all you need to know."

"Awww, you protect them? Got a li'l fucking neighbourhood watch to keep everybody safe from meanies?"

"The way you're acting now, makes me realise all we need is a neighbourhood watch to deal with you."

"I'm...fucking sorry?"

"I thought I was meeting some actual patriarch, not some pathetic little bastard who hides behind his brother's name."

Seeing the dragon's arms tense, Kiryu lifted his cup and saucer moments before the table was suddenly hurled it across the room to crash against the wall.


Standing up Gihei loomed over his guest, the waiter staggering back trying to hide in the kitchen, but a chair thrown aside caught in the doorway with a crunch and he stumbled against the counter now trapped in the front room. The dragon grabbed another table, throwing it towards Kiryu who simply turned his head slightly to the left to avoid being clipped by it when it was sent hurtling towards the window, a crack and a thick spider-web pattern coming across the glass.

Taking another chair, Gihei slammed it down inches in front of Kiryu's foot, a snarling roar as the wood splintered hard into shrapnel but Gojirama simply watched with blank expression. Furious, the drake stomped towards him and suddenly slapped the teacup out of Kiryu's hand before grabbing him by the shirt, lifting him out his seat and pushing him against the stone-brick partition beside the door.

"I'll show you who's pathetic you COCK-RIDING BITCH!"

"Hm. You already did." Kiryu looked to his cup on the floor. "You're paying for that."


"Shut up."

He grabbed Gihei's arm and wrenched it aside before shoving the dragon back.

"I don't have time to babysit some overgrown hatchling with a tantrum. If that's all you wanted to tell me, then I'm leaving."




The dragon's throat flickered with a pulsing light before a bolt of lightning shot from his teeth, golden arcs crackling across the tables and snatching up a single knife he grabbed from the air.

"I know it was you, you talk shit about MY CLAN, getting its snout in your territory, WHEN YOU FUCKED WITH MY BUSINESS FIRST!"

"What...are you talking about?"


The knife he hurled straight for the waiter, the serpent gasping with a cry as he watched the blade come shrieking for his face. He closed his eyes and feared the worst with a sudden scream and his body shaking. A shadow came over him. He blinked with a shudder, and saw Kiryu's back towering over him.


The waiter gasped clutching himself as he crumpled to the floor when Goji spoke to the dragon.

"I was hoping this talk...would make me see you as a threat."

The kaiju winced, clenching his teeth as he gripped the knife buried in his shoulder.

"But all you are...nnngh, is just a thug who stepped out the playground and upgraded to being a felon, like every other bully-NNNGH!"

He tore the blade free with a gasping shudder.

"So why don't you...haaah, face someone who can fight back, for once in your sad little life?"

"...fine." Gihei spread his arms with a sneer. "You want it. You fucking got it."

He stepped towards the door and gave one last look.

"But you already seen what I do to pricks like you who sniff around too close to my business...I'll see you again, Gojirama Kiryu."

As Gihei departed, the rest of the staff came back in, shuffling quickly to their friend still gasping on the floor.

"Tuilleksen, TUILLEKSEN!"

"N-nnngh, haaah." The serpent pulled himself up with the help of his friends. "That was...th-that was insane."

"You alright?" Kiryu turned to him. "You stood your ground pretty good, didn't even scream."

"Heh, well," he shrugged, "I see lot of things in this crazy city. Let me take that, I'll clean it up and get you some first aid."

"Thank you."

Trying to ignore the growing spot of red bleeding from his shoulder, Kiryu handed over the knife carefully as the staff went back to their kitchen duties, whilst Tuilleksen grabbed the first aid kit. Taking off his suit and shirt briefly, Kiryu sighed with a sharp grunt as the waiter rubbed some iodine salve and bandaged up the wound.

"I'm sorry sir."

"It's fine," Goji smirked, "better I get hurt than you, I'm trained for it."

"That Gihei's a bastard," said an otter at the till, "made us set up all of that or else he'd threaten to have our business shut down in a week."

"Does he own this cafe?" asked Kiryu straightening his arm.

"Not exactly, it's just...he has a relationship with our investor."

"Your investor?"

"Yeah, King Financial," the server rubbed his arm, "they sometimes book us for private occasions, this was one of them."

"All those customers were his friends," said Tuilleksen the serpent, "you should be careful, I haven't met Gihei often, but everything I hear about him are...horrible things."

"I'll keep that in mind." Kiryu nodded. "Thanks for patching me up."

"Hey, it's the least I can do for saving my life."

With a smile the waiter bowed in thanks, as Kiryu made his way back out on the street. Despite the first aid his left arm was now throbbing, his hand feeling weaker than usual as he brought up his phone and called Sanjin.


"It's Kiryu. Got something big to tell you, coming back now."

"Wait, hold on-"

He clicked off the call and headed back, wasting no time in cutting through the alley directly west of him where a smaller park could be found in its sad little lot, a seesaw and parallel bars stained with the first tints of rust between three large walls looming above. A pair of teenage cats were making out with tails whipping back and forth, Kiryu averting his eyes politely as he headed down to the red Kaijuro gate, and walked into his family office where Sanjin stood waiting.

"Kiryu, thuh hell's going on?"

"I just met one of the heads of the Jinuchu Clan."


"I didn't want to tell you over the phone, but we need to talk to HQ. His name's Gihei Ighorashi, and he managed to twist the arm of the entire Cafe Alps staff to turn their heads and leave while he threatened me to back off."

"Huh." Obakimura scratched his head. "Well that ain't good, whut you do?"

"I told him if he tries to mess with Kaijurocho again I would make him pay."

"That why you got blood on your suit?"

"Yes." Kiryu rubbed his wounded arm. "He tried to attack one of the staff, I got in the way."

"Good boy," Sanjin patted Kiryu's other arm, "I'll call up Shisa-han an' bring you round."

"There's more. The staff at Cafe Alps told me that Gihei has connections to some company called King Financial."

"You serious? King Financial's pretty damn big, they own a lotta Tokyo property, even out here."

"Damn..." Kiryu smirked, "if even you've heard of them, they must be."

"Don't smart-mouth me boy," the elder made a half-swipe for his head, "anyways glad yer alrigh', you need that checked?"

"The staff at the cafe fixed it up," Gojirama rolled his shoulder, "I'll be fine, just my left hook's a little weak, stings like hell."

"You wanna take a breather?"

"Not yet." Kiryu put up his hand. "You remember that body I found next to Tsuchi-chan?"

"Yeaaaah?" Sanjin squinted.

"That Ighorashi knows about him. He tried to call me out saying I complained about him getting on our turf, when I supposedly messed with his business first, by 'digging up the body'."

"...shit." Obakimura rubbed his chin, leaning back against his desk. "You tellin' me you stumbled on someone that he rubbed out?"

"I'm certain," said Kiryu nodding, "the way he taunted me about 'knowing what he does to those who interfere'."

"But, how'd he even know it wuz you who found it, whut about Murata-san?"

"I don't know. That's all I have today, now I can...wait." He dug into his pocket with a heavy sigh. "Right, bastard took my cigarettes, I'll just grab some at the store up the road."

"Alrigh', if yer grabbin' stuff then bring me a six-pack wouldya?"

"I will, Varan-san."

As he headed back outside, the cold airs of the fading summer hit his shoulder with a burning sting. An exhaustion slightly came over him, partly from his wound and a growing worry in the back of his mind from Gihei's words. But then he saw something more distressing, at the Poppo store at the northern end of the street. A familiar white-and-blue wolf made a beeline for the store, followed by two cohorts in the form of a bald-headed octopus and a bull without horns.

"HEY!" the wolf shouted at the doors. "FRENCHIE BOY, YOU IN THERE?!"

Damn it, Kiryu snarled, that punk's going to cause trouble I need to get in.

He regretted clenching his fist as his shoulder spasmed terribly, gritting his teeth as he took the first steps towards the convenience store whilst other pedestrians gave the thugs a wide berth.


Taking a careful walk round to stand behind the thugs, Kiryu watched and waited to gauge how best to deal with them. Inside the store was Gordon McCartin in his minimum-wage shirt of red and yellow, walking up to the entrance as the auto-doors opened with a firm look upon his swamp-green scales.

"I told you," he crossed his arms, "you, banned, you no come back!"

"SHUT YER FUCKHOLE!" the wolf barked shaking his fist. "If you can't speak Japanese properly, then don't even bother, now you're gonna pay for stiffing me on that drink!"

"Why so mad about drink?!" McCartin scoffed. "Buy another somewhere, stop being dumb!"

"You got one last chance," the octopus threw all six of his hands, "me an' the boys here are thirsty as fuck, and we're owed some compensation for having to deal with some dipshit foreigner who can't even FUCKING COUNT!"

"You get, NOTHING!" the clerk jabbed his finger at them. "If you no leave now, YOU pay!"

"Ohoh, WE'RE gonna pay?!" the bull snarled puffing his chest. "Oh we'll pay alright, pay you in FISTS, we're gonna kick your fucking ass back to Europe!"

"Like hell you are."

Kiryu grabbed the bovine's shoulder and made him turn round.

"Take one more step, and my fist is making a deposit."

"Who the fuck-GET OFF!"

The bull turned with a wild swing as Kiryu deflty parried with his right hand, keeping his left arm still whilst the wolf went marching into the store and grabbed Gordon by the collar. His fist came swinging hard into McCartin's cheek who, much to everyone's surprise, took it without even flinching as the knuckles crunched into his head that felt hard as stone.

With a smile he headbutted the lupine, crunching his forehead into the punk who staggered back from the blinding pain before Gordon reached over the counter beside him.

"I warned you."

He pulled out something long, thick and made of balsamwood.

"Now, you PAY!"


With a shout the punk tried to leap out the way before McCartin swung a baseball bat for his head, the wolf ducking into one of the aisles and grabbing a plastic bottle to throw at the clerk. Marching towards him, Gordon thrust his bat like a fencing sabre to punch into the wolf's gut and force him back against the wall.



The wolf grabbed a beer bottle and took a vicious swing as McCartin blocked, the hard glass clonking against the wood before the reptile ducked under the second swing and made a fierce uppercut with the bat to crack against the mutt's chin. Briefly dazed he was grabbed by Gordon and dragged quickly out of the store, almost in a running start as the Irish beast threw him out the opening doors and onto the street where he saw Kiryu taking on the young bull.


The octopus came with all six arms towards McCartin, the reptile blocking two with a crack of the bat before taking three punches in the face, chest and stomach. His skin was almost impervious, the smallest stinging jabs he felt as Gordon grabbed the sixth tentacled arm and yanked it hard to make the octopus briefly stagger, before swinging the bat against the bulbous head.

Clutching himself with four arms, the punk shot out a wad of black ink that splatted on Gordon's face, blinding him with a yelp as he tried to scrub it off before the squid came lunging with half-a-dozen fists pummelling into his belly, battering his face and punching his chest to barely any effect. He wrapped an arm round Gordon's throat and bent him over hard, slamming three fists at once to try and damage him harder as McCartin winced from enough multiple punches to start actually feeling sore.

Eventually he wiped the ink from his eyes to see the squid, slamming himself against the thug to send him to the ground and roll on top before he drove his thick green fist into the punk's eye. The octopus shrieked and tried to shoot another glob of ink that Gordon blocked with his bat, thick black dripping down its length before he stood up and kicked the squid across the street.


The wolf came lunging for Gordon's back and wrapped his arm around the student's neck, trying to strangle McCartin who stumbled back to throw himself against the recycling bins in front of the store, and crush the wolf's tail with a painful bent. The hooligan yelped and relaxed his grip enough for Gordon to kick behind himself, and slam the punk against the bins a second time, turning fast with a wild swing to crunch the wooden tip of his bat into the white furry jaw and send him rolling across the asphalt.

Meanwhile the bull took on Kiryu, and was therefore the most unlucky of the three when he tried to take a swing at the reptile's face and Kiryu stepped back to grab the incoming fist with his right hand. The cow struggled to try and push against the hand, but when he swung out his second fist, the kaiju suddenly headbutted the bull with such force the thug went stumbling back in a wheezing bray, leaving him wide open for a football kick that cracked him in the jaw, and sent him flying several feet before landing with a cloud of dust.


"WELL FUCKIN' DEAL WITH IT THEN!" the wolf shrieked.

Surging with a violent spark, his eyes briefly turned white as he bellowed with a sonic boom towards Gordon who shuddered with pain, his ears burning from the shockwave as his eyes blurred trying to focus on the punk who came rushing towards him with a flying karate kick. It barely hurt McCartin, but the force of the wolf's momentum threw him enough to send him flying onto his back, the thug mounting on top of him and savagely raining blows upon the reptilian beast's face.

After the fifth punch it started to hurt, Gordon sneering as his eyes managed to refocus enough to grab his bat in both hands and drive it upwards when the wolf put his paws together for a hammerfist. One solid crunch against both his wrists made the thug yell sharp rearing back, giving the store clerk enough time to swing his bat against the wolf's cheek and knock him fully off his body.

Rolling across the road, the thug tried to stand back up before McCartin came swinging with a brutal strike for the head, the lupine shrieking with blood flying from his nose in a long crimson sliver before he fell once again on his side. Kiryu had dealt with the bull who tried to get back up again, but met an even harder fist into his snout that burst his nose in turn to leave him snorting red.

"F-fuck," the wolf whimpered, "y-you fucking foreigner, f-fuck's your problem you can't just DO THAT here you fucking shit!"

"You hit me first." Gordon warned raising his bat. "Now...you not come back, okay?"

"I-i ain't taiking orders, from some PRICK from France!"

"He's from Ireland, idiot."

Kiryu walked up with a snarl as the wolf whimpered crawling back.

"Get up. Now."

"Wh-wha, who the fuck are you-"

"You see this?" Kiryu pointed to his lapel pin. "That means when I say you leave, you get up and leave."

"A-AAH!" the wolf stood up ready to leave. "Y-yes, yes s-sorry, sorry sir I-i'll go, HEY GET UP!"

The bull and octopus stumbled on their feet but before the wolf could leave, Kiryu grabbed him by the collar.

"Say you're sorry."

"Alright, s-sorry sir!"

"Not to me. Him."

He pointed to Gordon as the thug nodded and turned.

"S-suh, sorry, s-sorry sir! I-i won't come back again, I promise!"

"Good." Kiryu shoved him down the street. "Now get lost, don't come back."

"Or I report you." Gordon smacked the bat in his hand. "I know my rights, you attack first, you go to jail!"

"A-ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, fuck!" The wolf whimpered motioning his friends. "Come on guys...shit."

They stumbled away together down Taihei Boulevard, Kiryu sighing with relief as he turned to Gordon who still looked rather wired with fingers digging in the bat.

"You okay?"

"HM, o-oh, yes!" McCartin bowed. "Thank you, Kiryu-san, good help me, he fight me over building!"


"UH BEER, beer, not building haha, I don't own building, boss owns building!"

The clerk waggled his bat behind him like a cheeky youth.

"You did good," Kiryu nodded, "surprised you took them, you really know how to take a hit."

"Tough, my family, all tough we are!" Gordon pumped his fist. "Thank you again!"

"It's fine, I couldn't not help, even though you really managed-"

"OH, your shoulder!" he pointed at the blood wound.

"Oh it's fine, just some other punk."

"A-are you, okay?!"

"Yeah it's fine it'll heal, I got a bandage underneath."

"O-okay!" Gordon tried to take deep breaths as he stepped back inside the store. "I thought, maybe call you, but no, had to show criminals I not afraid!"

"Well, I'm glad to hear," Kiryu followed him inside, "but you should be careful, always get backup when you can."

"Yes yes!" he put the bat behind the counter. "Only three kaiju, three is fine."

"Three is just enough to beat you to a pulp, trust me I know."

"Not when tough head," McCartin tapped his hard skull, "tough Irish scale."

"Hmhmhm, well, that's good." Goji stepped up to the counter with a six-pack of beer. "I just came to get some smokes aaand also this."

"But, you bought cigarettes today."

"My last pack was stolen," Kiryu pointed to his shoulder wound, "punk who did that also took them."

"NO!" the beast thumped the desk. "That, a-awful! Why creatures do that, for cigarettes?!"

"It wasn't about the cigarettes, it was something else-"

"Still bad! You nice creature, you don't deserve that."

"Heh...you're a good creature too." Kiryu smiled rubbing his chin. "Anyways I'll just take some more smokes an-"

"U-um, can I...ask, s-something?" Gordon rubbed his fingers.

"Sure, what?"

"C-can...can you...ugh."

He turned around and started muttering in Irish Gaeilge, clenching his fists and pumping himself with a snarling hiss before turning back.

"WOULD, YOU. LIKE, TO DATE, ME...please?"

"I...what?" Gojirama chuckled more surprised than anything. "Did you say you wanted to...date me?"

"Yes! I like you, you nice, everytime we, speak, you always nice to me."

"Well, you work hard and I get good service here, why wouldn't I?"

"B-but...s-sorry," Gordon bowed, "if you not want date, is okay, s-sorry again-"

"I didn't say no."

McCartin gasped looking up at Kiryu's smile.

"I'm just surprised, I haven't been asked out on a date since...huh, maybe seven, eight years ago?"

"So...d-do you want to?" Gordon clasped his hands.

"Sure," Kiryu shrugged still grinning. "You have my number, what time you off work?"

"I leave work at seven!" Gordon grabbed the cigarette pack from the back shelf. "You, call me?"

"I'll come see you here," Gojirama paid and took the packet, "I'll let you know when I'm available, this week might be a little busy but I'll still come in and say hi."

"Okay, th-thank you Kiryu-san!" the clerk bowed again. "See you soon!"

"Take care, McCartin-san."

Bowing in return the kaiju left the store, heading back to the office with his smokes and his beer. The pain in his shoulder started to ebb less with a soft swelling in his heart, somewhat tickled by the offer that chased away his worries for the time being, helping him to relax for the rest of the day until business would come calling from HQ.