When Lilacs Bloom

The loveless life had before our time but now we live in harmony. the love we share, a beautiful thing. when lilacs bloom in the summer time. know i will come to you know i will fight for you. with sword in hand i will defend you.

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A lad in high school, just graduating, wanting to be a fox--and a child spurned in elementary wanting to be a wolf--both speaking with the me of today, in harmony. the high priestess in me speaks-- "this will not end well."


Winter Lullaby

Meeting in forgotten harmony, calling, crying, fleeting freeing, finally seeing, the throes through the fears, tears, joyful tears, flowing over my being, frozen, glowing star-shine bright.

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S4 Ep15- Artemis vs Dakota

#16 of the heroes of gaia (season 4) the prince of harmony vs the prince of native wolves (also known as grass vs flames) artemis and dakota had their beast battle in which it was fire vs grass, not a very good match up, but artemis had been training for

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The Guardians of Time Ep 30-The Grand Finale

And with that the story of the guardians of time ended, on a harmonious end. lastly the guardians went on to live very successful lives along with king lucas, charon of gloria and his kingdom.

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The Kataran Account of Creation

When stars and planets formed, the beings took on physical forms to live upon them, in harmony with their other inhabitants.

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"Family Tails" - Epilogue

The g.e.l.f.s eventually took their place in the world, living in harmony as equals with the humans.


Support me~

They should live in harmony. or otherwise we don't. note: the title referred towards biolizard's theme, 'supporting me...for biolizard', of the sonic adventure 2 games.

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The Last True adventure : the rebels of gaia the movie

Later on in the end of the movie artemis is formally announced to be the next king of the unity/harmony kingdom with solaris being a close contender at first but wanting to spend more time with his girlfriend beverly.

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Friendship is Pure- Prologue: A Page From History

Enjoy fellow bronies :3 prologue- a page from history most ponies learn the story of how equestria was formed at a young age, the story of how the three tribes, the pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies, came together in harmony.

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presentation by Hardsharp Scanlan

But of course in my world there are also uninfected feral animals the uninfected feral animals live in the same cities as the anthro survivors in a beautiful harmony well i live in a beautiful red mansion together with my brother rayner scanlan.

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Alone and Drifting

It was time to go find the bearer of the first element of harmony then. 'ah yes, hello? equestria is going to end horribly in a vague amount of time if i...don't do something with the element of harmony you're protecting. so uhhhh, please help?'.

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