The Legend of Phiro Prologue

Mist begins to form as they exit the hall. the group comes to the outside of the hall, onto the path, and then they chant something slowly.

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The Academy - The First Day

I finished the cereal, and was about to bite into an apple when we were ordered to stand and leave the hall. that was extremely un filling.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Four)

She jogs lightly towards the school hall with me in tow. but instead of the entrance she angles us towards a small alley between a classroom and the hall where a lamp casts its faint glow. we hit a patch of gravel which noisily protests our passing.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 1

They'll be in the mess hall by now." "thank you," yukiomaru said and motioned for his driver to continue forward. once they arrived at the mess hall, military personnel was walking in and out of it freely.

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Grentail Manor Chapter 9

Nessa shoved the snake good-naturedly as the pair headed back to the grand hall. the hallways of the pyramid had become more packed, and the closer the pair got to the grand hall, the more crowded they became.

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death of an enemy part 1

"and that my friend is why you dont fuck with cameron hall." as i left i turned around looking at the now dead tiger. "but he is right, i should probably go pay off my debts."**

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The Last Theft of the Black Coyote

The figurine that had once graced the halls of the tribe of his forebears before it had disappeared into the halls of some collector centuries ago before.

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My Personal fursona Chap 1 The Flight To A New Life

Nicholas grabbed his haversack, victoria picked up her sling bag and the family left the royal jade and head downstairs, to the departure hall. before nicholas and his father entered the departure hall, the family gave one more goodbye.

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Desert Lovers: The Start of the Journey

It was actually covenant unless the mess hall served beans of any type, in that case the guy on bottom suffered throughout the night. but on this day all were safe.

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The Orphans Among Us Chapter Four: Bulletproof Fox

Most of the students in this hall were face down on the ground with a gunman standing in the center of the hall with his weapon trained on them.


The Interpol Files: A Precarious Prohibition

"now just get a photo of mick flanagan at town hall. if you're lucky, he might just be talking to one of the speakeasy owners." "whenever am i unlucky?" asked sly as he headed on his way to town hall.

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The Sylarium : Part 6

He wove through the halls, dodged the now numerous servants, and broke through into the banquet hall. he kept his head down, in the manner appropriate for a servant, and walked along the perimeter of the hall.

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