“They Call Me...” Chapter II: Rendezvous

Unbeknownst to it all, and somewhat coming to, the tattered mess of fur and flesh fell back on his rear, his radiant blue hues staring up vibrantly in the sky as jawline swung open. "W-W-W....H-He--_AH!!!!!!!!!_" the lupine shrieked, a piece of...

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“They Call Me...” Chapter I: All Washed Up.

On a cold, rain-drenched evening on the night of an extremely vague lunar crescent laid an animate figure plastered on all fours next to a rapid gusher of water and sound. The estuary held back the sound of consistent groaning as the creature struggled...

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Scourge Second Life part 4

Chapter 6 Scourge awoke, sunlight filtered into his nest. "Scourge! You're awake." Cinderpelt's relieved mew rose from beside him, Scourge looked over to see Cinderpelt curled up in the nest beside him. She leaped to her paws as she saw his look, her...

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Scourge Second Life part 2

Chapter 2 Firestar, Cloudtail, Sandstorm, Longtail, and Willowpelt sat in Firestar's den. "Well, now that Scourge is here, how do we get rid of him?" Cloudtail meowed seriously. "Look, I know it's dangerous, that he is dangerous." Firestar...

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Scourge Second Life part 1

This is a adaptation of the amazing series by Blackberry Koji [second-life-group.deviantart.c...](https://second-life-group.deviantart.com/) Prologue Scourge padded through a forest, a dark forest, What a strange dream, he thought. Suddenly a...

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chapter 3 : the change

After a long day of grazing and searching for new green to eat. The sky was turning orang...red and getting darker colors also. I walk down a hill and headed a spot to sleep. I heard loud sounds sound like an animal. But didn't sound like one, I...

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The car had started its engine and was impatiently revving it waiting for feral's order. "uh, i need to get to where the pastmaster is now." "right on!" the vehicle lunged ahead, peeling rubber and sending feral's head snapping backward.


The Doctors of Doom, Part Eight

Because if lieutenant feral and the swat kats can't stop that monster bug... then no one can. now come on, let's go!" they got into feral's cruiser and sped off.

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Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 3

"commander feral you should have a look at this." an enforcer shouted. commander feral himself walked up and took the cloth from the enforcer and gritted his teeth angrily. "so the dna tests did not lie." he growled. "guys are you getting this?"

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SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 1-4

Konway said then turned back to his work while feral and felina left for his office. as they walked out of the labs and headed back to feral's office, felina huffed in frustration.


Staying Human: Chapter Three

"we should fight the ferals!" edward persisted. "it's been done before. one wolf pack is no match for the entire tribe!" "at what cost?" orville demanded, turning on the elder. "how many of us will be turned into ferals as well?

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