Speech 2. Inside The Life Of Fear.

Find your happiness in your wildest dreams and put down with your fears. fear is not evil, it tells you what your weakness is.

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chapter 1 - The Deaths of a Village

**Chapter 1** The day began as usual even though something felt strange and........unusually familiar. The young wolf looked around his village with a confused face. His confusion grew the more he looked upon his village... the village he was born...

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Rebirth ch17

REBIRTH LETS TRAIN MORE THAN ONE Ch. 17 The next morning was met with the same sort of over-enthusiasm as yesterday's meeting down in the café. As I opened up the door to the trainers room that I was staying in to the world, I was at once met with...

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Prolog, the story begins

**Prolog** In the dark night the cries of frightened villagers could be heard as they were silenced. The smell of blood was so great that the feral animals fled as far away as possible. Not long after the final voice was silenced a crazed laughter...

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Chapter Eight: Horses, Classes And Terror

She turned fearful eyes to him then and whimpered, muffledly. "don't worry crystal honey." matt taunted, nastily. "we will not kill or sell you, yet."

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Alone Among The Monsters

Alone Among The Monsters By Mantrid Brizon (08/20/2020) Alone I sit in this dank pit, But it wasn't always so, Long ago I once belonged, But with age came awareness, And with awareness came neglect, From those whom I never truly...

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Poem: Being Afraid

Being afraid, all the time, Being afraid, forever, Being afraid, in your mind, and labelled "disturbed" forever. Being unseen, and being afraid, and being forever lost, We need each other; we need ourselves to cope with darkest...

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Life's Pains (part 5)

Author's Note: Jeez I am so sorry for the delays. Every time I started to work on this I had to get off. Well hope you guys can forgive me but here's the next part. Also I'm going to be limiting this to about 10 parts in preparation for a new series...

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Crossing The Narrow Bridge

Oh, how the wolf wanted the tree and its beautiful fruit but he was separated from his goal by a massive canyon that might have been hundreds of feet above the ground. A drop from that altitude would ahve killed anyone and the wolf knew there was no...

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Europe After the Rain

Series of excerpts from the Diary of Max Ernest, a fox who took to living in a shelter to escape the fires of a war which ravaged his homeland: "I have not left this shelter for years- it is my last refuge in this time of great and tremendous...

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The Guardians Shadow ch15

THE GUARDIANS SHADOW CH 15 "As you said," Youkomon said as she spread her feet wide and a growl escaped from somewhere deep in her throat. "The Real Fight begins now." She then closed her eyes, bowed her head, her tails began to fan out, and...

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The Redeem: Chapter 8

**Previous Chapter:** [http://www.sofurry.com/page/231719](http://www.sofurry.com/page/231719) _This is the first part of the two-part chapter from Jase's point of view. Prepare for the evil plan! Mua hahahaha!...

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