Chasing the Sun - Chapter 21: Beating the Path

"don't fap in the kitchen!" _"tot!"_ he laughed and continued watching the television. now that tom was back to his normal self, max could tease him all he wanted.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 73

With one hand still pawing at his father's chest, he grabbed a broken chair leg and raised it above his head. "wait!" ander began, but could get no further than that. the boy screamed and hurled the chair leg through the air.

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On The Lamb

He swore he heard a clopping sound as each one touched the ground, as if he really had hooves. scott opened his eyes, and he found that he was now level with kickaha's stomach instead of towering over him.

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Wet Cement, Ch. 15: Lines Blurred

"it's a fap request, ma'am." her eye twitched. "you're not trying to get a sailor or marine, echo. they're not even a soldier.

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Invane: At nuater

Huzizu and haziyo both nodded their heads, clearly thinking of nothing else other than pawing over some water bottles from at the marathon. "there is a nearby station, not far from where we are standing that housed what we have needed.

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Ch.9: Playmats and Traintracks

The train's doors whooshed open and suddenly the platform was full of squawking, neighing, clip-clopping and raucous talking and laughter in a plethora of languages. it was bedlam.

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Greener Pastures, Part Seven: The Pool House at Green Pine University

The fox who was being masturbated on the bleachers had their head leaned down, talking to the other fox who did the cock-stroking. i licked my lips then, my paw still rubbing janny's thigh. i could smell the pre-cum that was coming from the fox's cock.

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The Fox General: Blood on the Suez

One of them spoke, pawing at the grip of his club. "marco of carpathia, i'm here for the wedding to the turtle clan!" i announced, pointing towards my gold eye. surely at least one of the lions would have remembered that from my last visit.

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Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 8

Smiling, he jacked his hand into the air, "the wolf had a bit of a masturbation habit. it was why his career was tanking. poor kid was thinking about quitting when my wife suggested he try chastity out.

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School of Mystic Arts pt 3

My ears perk as i suddenly realize my name before face pawing. "just hit you now huh~?" she giggles. "my parents really have that type of humor don't they..." i groan and sigh.

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The Young Mage

Where in he kept pawing the ground near it, we figured out he wanted the tent and after talking a bit we figured out that we could turn it into a travois.

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Cry Me a Murder (part five): Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Demon

They have cardiac arrests when fucking a prostitute, sniffing coke or masturbating to porn-hub. but they don't scream in terror and fire their nines, before keeling over and cacking it. "dude," i said. "nobody's going to sneak into the kitchen.

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