Marky in the Middle

Instantly sigils of light surrounded the warrior and wrapped him from head to toe in them before suddenly setting off an explosion so powerful that it even scooted mark back three feet, but the explosions did not phase gallantmon. "no!"

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The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm

As if by a miracle, the crushing grip never came, instead, a loud whistling, followed by a thud and then a small explosion. gore once again showered the room as the creature's arm was blown off in an explosion of flesh, muscle and bone.

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Realms of Valeron - Chapter 10

Or, at least, that was what she tried to say before she was rudely interrupted by the explosion of five very confused imps. roka was impressed with the work. the explosion had definitely torn a huge hole in the door.

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the CAS blazer (details of it not a story)

Hedp (high explosive deep penetrating) missile these dig into the hull using a drill attachment that then explode causing extremely damaging by exposing it to space.

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The report listed 'mining explosives', which was plausible considering the location of the event, but the scale of the blast suggested otherwise.

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Second Sight: Chapter Seven: Unexpected Company

Cam took off his bag and pulled out a large tile of militia explosives, which were basically plastic explosives with a remote charge attached to it. he slapped the explosives onto the beam and stood up. "now we're down to one." he sighed.

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File #6

He could hear the echoes of voices shouting and the sounds of explosions around him but nothing seemed to come into focus for a few seconds.

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Second Draft of First Story

My head felt like it was about to explode, and if i continued like i was, my brain would explode. i stopped trying to find nick and decided an ambush would be a better approach.

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2. Farewell to a Freind...

(explosion, static)" "zero two taking enemy fire! (explosion) fuck! my number two engine's been fragged! i am so going down!" zero six your to close to that destroyer he's gona get a target lock!" "mayday, mayday! this is the ss luna.

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